Kathie Lee Gifford Reveals Howard Stern's Apology After 30-Year Feud: Describes Him as 'Quite Eccentric'

Kathie Lee Gifford Reveals Howard Stern's Apology After 30-Year Feud: Describes Him as 'Quite Eccentric'

Kathie Lee Gifford shares how Howard Stern reached out to mend their 30-year rift that started back in 1995, portraying him as a unique character in the process.

Kathie Lee Gifford Says Howard Stern Called to Ask For Forgiveness

Kathie Lee Gifford Says Howard Stern Called to Ask For Forgiveness

Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern. Getty Images (2)

Kathie Lee Gifford revealed that Howard Stern reached out to apologize after their 30-year feud. The call happened after Gifford and Stern, who are both 70 years old, reconnected at the Today show. Stern was there to promote his role as a judge on America's Got Talent.

Kathie Gifford shared in an interview with Fox News that while at the Today show studio, she heard the Lord telling her to go and say hello to Howard Stern. She agreed and said, "OK, Lord."

Gifford mentioned that she felt guided by God to wish Stern well with his show. Despite being warned not to go near the studio because Howard Stern was coming, she left her hair and makeup place to follow what she believed was a divine instruction.

Gifford, however, decided to do her own thing. She shared, "I go downstairs and they said, ‘Where are you going?’ I said, ‘I’m going to go say hello to Howard.’"

Recalling her encounter with Stern, Gifford described him as “very, very tall,” and mentioned, “There were so many people that day because he brings quite the entourage." She continued, “I said, ‘Hey, it’s Kathie Lee.’ I thought it was about time. I said, ‘I want to wish you all the best with the new show.’ I got up, went back, sat down in the makeup room. They’d said, ‘Why’d you do that?’ I said, ‘God told me to.’”

Kathie Lee Gifford Says Howard Stern Called to Ask For Forgiveness

Kathie Lee Gifford Says Howard Stern Called to Ask For Forgiveness

Kathie Lee Gifford Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

Kathie Lee Gifford, the previous cohost of the Today show, mentioned that Howard Stern "left a voicemail" afterwards.

"He said — I can't even repeat the words he used," Gifford joked. "There were a lot of swear words, but he was expressing, 'I can't believe how kind you were to me. I've been so disrespectful to you and you were so kind. I just want to say sorry to you. Please give me a call.'"

Gifford remembered having dinner with her family when she got a call from an unknown number.

She mentioned, "I knew it was him. Even though my husband and son advised against it, I decided to answer. The conversation was unpleasant and he was disrespectful not only to me but to my family as well."

She added, "I had never met this man before, never even heard his show. I was surprised by the things he said about me. I couldn't understand why he would say such things when we had never even crossed paths before."

Gifford told Stern, "Will you forgive me, Kathie, please? I’m doing hard work on my life. I know I hurt you. I’m so sorry and I need to ask you to forgive me."

Kathie responded by saying, “I’m really happy for you that you’re asking for forgiveness, because anytime we hurt somebody in life, it’s important to ask for forgiveness. But I just want you to know that I forgave you 30 years ago.”

She continued, “I’ve been praying for you every day since. And it’s the truth.” Stern was surprised and asked, “What?”. Kathie replied, “I forgave you 30 years ago, and I’ve been praying for you every day since. And it’s the truth.”

Stern then asked, “Would you like to come to dinner sometime?” to which Kathie responded, “You’d have me at your house?” She reassured him by saying, “Of course.”

Gifford mentioned that the radio show host is "a very odd duck," but later found that they got along fine when they met a couple of times at Sirius. She even said, "I can get along with a rock."

Fox News reported that Gifford explores the concept of forgiveness in her new memoir, Want to Matter: Your Life Is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste, through her experiences with Stern.

The feud between Gifford and Stern started in 1995. Gifford was chosen to sing the national anthem at Super Bowl XXIX, where her husband, Frank Gifford, was set to broadcast. She heard booing while singing and found out later that Stern had told his listeners to boo her.

Editor's P/S:

Kathie Lee Gifford and Howard Stern's reconciliation after a three-decade feud is a testament to the power of forgiveness. Gifford's unwavering faith guided her to extend grace to Stern, despite his past disrespectful behavior. Stern's subsequent apology and expressions of remorse indicate a genuine desire for redemption. This story highlights the importance of letting go of grudges and seeking reconciliation, even when the path is challenging.

The article also sheds light on the complexities of forgiveness. Gifford's initial negative reaction to Stern's call highlights the pain and hurt that can linger after an offense. However, her decision to answer his call and ultimately forgive him demonstrates her commitment to healing and moving forward. This serves as a reminder that forgiveness is not about condoning wrongdoings but rather about releasing the burden of anger and resentment, allowing for personal growth and reconciliation.