Takeru Hokazono's Kagurabachi manga has captured the attention of numerous manga enthusiasts with its compelling storyline and intriguing characters. Despite having released only ten chapters so far, the manga has already established itself as a remarkable work of fiction that breaks away from the traditional shonen tropes popularized by legendary titles like Naruto and One Piece.
In contrast to protagonists like Naruto and Luffy found in the wide range of shonen manga, Kagurabachi's main character, Chihiro Rokuhira, takes a vastly different approach. He embarks on a journey of revenge and shows no hesitation in resorting to violence.
Kagurabachi manga showcases violence in a way Naruto and One Piece couldn't do
In a mere ten chapters, Hokazono has already showcased his refusal to adhere to numerous traditional shonen tropes, mirroring the groundbreaking approaches employed by Gege Akutami and Tatsuki Fujimoto in Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man, respectively.
This is Chihiro as depicted in the manga (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha).
Despite their unique goals, all shonen protagonists are connected by a common thread. This thread represents the traditional shonen tropes present in nearly every shonen work.
Takeru Hokazono has skillfully severed that connection and introduced Chihiro Rokuhira as a distinctive protagonist in his Kagurabachi manga. Numerous fans believe that Takeru-san's manga, featuring the dark-haired protagonist, has infused a sense of novelty into the shonen genre.
Similar to Naruto Uzumaki, Chihiro Rokuhira rejects the concept of Talk no Jutsu. Without any hesitation, he swiftly eliminates his adversaries before him. His unwavering determination for vengeance against the individuals who murdered his father and took the mystical swords is his sole motivation.
In the initial chapter, Takeru-san subtly hinted at Chihiro's inclination towards brutality, as he effortlessly dispatched over 50 mafia members. Naruto enthusiasts would concur that the main character would not have exhibited such behavior.
Chihiro Rokuhira, featured in the Kagurabachi manga, displays a staggering body count of nearly a hundred beings within the initial ten chapters. This grim reality does not necessarily connote a penchant for violence, but rather reflects the cruel world he inhabits as it compels him to employ this sole means of survival.
Chihiro confronts a sorcerer (Image via Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha)
Fans would easily notice the resemblance between Chihiro Rokuhira from Kagurabachi manga and Tanjiro Kamado from The Demon Slayer. Both are compelled to use their blades to fight against their enemies in their respective worlds. However, unlike Tanjiro, Chihiro's adversaries are not demons but humans with sorcery powers. It's undeniable that Chihiro stands out among shonen protagonists, as his revenge-driven mindset is unparalleled even when compared to popular characters like Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto and Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece, who are considered part of the "Big Three" club.
The manga showcases Chihiro, as depicted by Takeru Hokazono/Shueisha, in an intriguing manner.
Interestingly, unlike other protagonists, such as Luffy and Ichigo Kurosaki, Chihiro takes a different approach by refraining from killing his opponents. This sets him apart from the revenge-driven dark-haired protagonist in Takeru-san's manga. It's worth noting that neither the Naruto nor One Piece manga exhibits as many instances of mobs being killed within their initial ten chapters.
Kagurabachi manga has accomplished something truly remarkable, all thanks to its main character, Chihiro Rokuhira. It is precisely because of this that fans of the shonen genre strongly believe that Takeru Hokazono's manga has the potential to become the next big sensation.
It is worth noting that shonen manga deviating from traditional tropes and becoming unique is not an uncommon occurrence. Gege Akutami in Jujutsu Kaisen and Tatsuki Fujimoto in Chainsaw Man, as previously mentioned, have both embraced violence as a key element in their narratives.
Many shonen fans believe that this direction has potential for the future of manga. Undeniably, Kagurabachi manga, along with other titles, has begun to establish new standards for the industry.
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Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z fan, I am thrilled to witness the emergence of a manga series that boldly challenges conventional shonen tropes. "Kagurabachi," created by the talented Takeru Hokazono, has captivated me with its unique and captivating storyline. Unlike its mainstream counterparts like "Naruto" and "One Piece," "Kagurabachi" offers a refreshing take on the genre, introducing a protagonist who is unapologetically violent and driven by revenge.
The protagonist, Chihiro Rokuhira, stands out as a distinctive character in the shonen landscape. His unwavering determination to avenge his father's death and retrieve the mystical swords sets him apart from the typical shonen heroes who rely on the power of friendship and Talk no Jutsu. Chihiro's willingness to swiftly eliminate his adversaries without hesitation adds an element of darkness and realism to the story, portraying the harsh world he inhabits.