Joel Madden's Jaw-Dropping Secret from Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’ – a Shocking Revelation!

Joel Madden's Jaw-Dropping Secret from Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’ – a Shocking Revelation!

Joel Madden, host of 'Ink Master' Season 15, shares an exciting surprise as his favorite moment in an exclusive interview with Us Discover the unexpected highlight of the season with Joel's firsthand account

Joel Madden's Jaw-Dropping Secret from Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’ – a Shocking Revelation!

Joel Madden James Minchin/Paramount+

Joel Madden, the current host of the reality competition series Ink Master, is a fan of the show himself. Season 15, in particular, holds a special significance for him. During an exclusive interview with We for the Reality Stars of the Year Issue, the 44-year-old singer from Good Charlotte revealed that there was a memorable moment while filming that became his personal favorite aspect of the season.

"This year, I had the opportunity to get a tattoo on the show. It came as a surprise to me, as I have always been a fan of the show and had wanted to get a tattoo, but the idea of getting tattooed in front of everyone felt a bit strange," Madden shares with Us. "However, when they asked me if I would be interested in being involved in that way, I agreed."

Although sitting down with the artist, whose name remains undisclosed, was quite thrilling, Madden acknowledges that the experience was also nerve-wracking. "Getting a tattoo is a personal experience between the individual and the tattoo artist," Madden explains, "and there is a certain level of pain involved. Doing it in front of the cameras was a completely new experience for me."

Joel Madden's Jaw-Dropping Secret from Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’ – a Shocking Revelation!

Joel Madden James Minchin/Paramount+

Despite the upcoming reveal of the tattoo he received (no spoilers!), Madden, who estimates he has spent around "150 hours" undergoing the tattooing process, informs Us that the new tattoo holds great significance to his childhood and his siblings. Above all, Madden expresses his satisfaction with the final outcome, stating, "I was extremely pleased with the tattoo."

In addition to obtaining new body art, the musician experienced another advantage this season - his growing investment in witnessing the contestants go all out in the competition.

“Observing these incredibly talented tattoo artists navigate through this intricate competition, facing numerous challenges and unexpected obstacles, you truly witness their remarkable skill as tattoo artists,” Madden explains. “It captivates you because one week someone can excel, but the following week they may encounter a tattoo style or concept that is completely out of their comfort zone, potentially eliminating them from the competition.”

Joel Madden's Jaw-Dropping Secret from Hosting Season 15 of ‘Ink Master’ – a Shocking Revelation!


Madden acknowledges that providing criticism is the most challenging aspect of his role. "Personally, it is incredibly tough for me because I consider anyone who is skilled enough to be on Ink Master as a talented tattoo artist," he explains. "It becomes difficult to be honest to their face and express my dislike for a specific tattoo or the decisions they made."

However, finding flaws is an inherent part of the competition. "When there are many excellent tattoos, we must identify the weakest one, as someone will be eliminated every week," Madden reveals to Us. "There are instances when it becomes particularly challenging because the artists have not produced subpar work."

Madden continues, emphasizing the emotional aspect and high stakes involved in this game-changing competition for tattoo artists. The intense emotional investment of the artists can be difficult to witness at times.

According to Madden, Season 15 is expected to leave a lasting impression. He suggests that avid fans of Ink Master will have the opportunity to discover talented new tattoo artists and potential superstars. As a self-proclaimed Ink Master fan, Madden believes this upcoming season may become his personal favorite.

For more of Madden’s exclusive interview, pick up We‘s Reality Stars of the Year issue, on stands now.

Season 15 of Ink Master returns Wednesday, November 1, on Paramount+.