James Gunn's DCU: How Minor Characters Are Revolutionizing DC Games

James Gunn's DCU: How Minor Characters Are Revolutionizing DC Games

James Gunn's DCU elevating minor characters to the forefront opens up exciting possibilities for future DC games Discover why these unsung heroes deserve their moment in the spotlight

James Gunn's casting choices for three lesser known characters in the DC universe have sparked inspiration for future DC games. By following Gunn's lead in highlighting these less popular characters, DC games can inject some fresh energy into their storytelling. While Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are household names, exploring the stories of DC's B-team could offer a new and exciting experience. Despite the mixed reception to Gotham Knights, there is still hope for delving into the lesser known characters within the DC canon.

In Gunn's upcoming film, Superman: Legacy, the inclusion of Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Mister Terrific has generated interest among comic book fans. However, for those unfamiliar with the comic book lore and solely exposed to the movies, these characters may not be recognizable. While Green Lantern has had some mainstream exposure, Hawkgirl and Mister Terrific lack the same level of familiarity. Gunn's previous success in bringing lesser known heroes to the forefront, as seen in Guardians of the Galaxy, presents a perfect opportunity for DC games to give smaller characters significant roles in future games.

Why Side Characters Deserve the Spotlight in Future DC Games

James Gunn's DCU: How Minor Characters Are Revolutionizing DC Games

Batman and Superman are undoubtedly the biggest names in DC. While there haven't been highly successful Superman games, Rocksteady and Warner Bros. Interactive struck gold with Batman in the Batman: Arkham trilogy. These games revolutionized comic book storytelling in gaming. Arkham Asylum, the first installment released in 2009, capitalized on the popularity of The Dark Knight as the epitome of superhero films. The dark and gritty atmosphere of both the game and the movie created a seamless connection, not through narrative or canon, but through direction and tone.

As Gunn delves into DC film adaptations, future games featuring DC characters should aim to match the energy and themes of Gunn's upcoming films, creating their own unique adaptations while also complementing each other. With the inclusion of Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, and Mister Terrific in Gunn's DC universe, future games centered around these lesser-known characters, particularly Green Lantern and Hawkgirl, could be an excellent way to showcase DC's side characters.

DC games would greatly benefit from exploring new storylines, rather than focusing on the extensively told Batman narrative. Characters like Green Lantern, preferably John Stewart or Hal Jordan, and Hawkgirl have immense potential for captivating game adaptations. By delving into the lore surrounding these characters, DC games can create unique and compelling stories that not only showcase their backgrounds but also provide freshness to the gaming experience. The rich DC lore surrounding Green Lantern and Hawkgirl offers numerous opportunities for engaging content, whether it be exploring the Green Lantern Corps base on Oa or delving into Hawkgirl's home world of Thanagar. By giving these characters a wider audience, DC games can tap into the fascination and appeal of side characters with equally compelling stories as the main protagonists.

Despite encountering development challenges, the Suicide Squad game holds the potential to introduce a new era of side characters in the DC games. By centering on battling the Justice League in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, the game offers an opportunity for various side characters, along with others, to make notable appearances. This not only aligns with the overarching essence of both James Gunn's DC film universe and the DC games but also creates a cohesive connection between them.