James Gunn Unveils a Game-Changing Issue in Marvel's Post-Endgame MCU Timeline

James Gunn Unveils a Game-Changing Issue in Marvel's Post-Endgame MCU Timeline

The Marvel Cinematic Universe's timeline post-Endgame has left fans perplexed and seeking clarity Discover the intricate web of events and the challenges it poses for Marvel's storytelling


James Gunn's comments suggest that Marvel Studios may not have a dedicated "timeline-keeper" to ensure continuity in the MCU.

The ambiguity regarding the timeline in the post-Endgame MCU can be attributed to the absence of proper oversight.

Gunn's comments raise queries about the clarity of Marvel's timeline and the reasons behind the existence of certain inconsistencies within the franchise.

Director James Gunn may have shed some light on why the Marvel Cinematic Universe's timeline has become increasingly confusing after Avengers: Endgame. Marvel Studios, known for its successful superhero film franchise, has faced challenges in keeping track of when certain projects occur within the MCU. The issue was further compounded by a significant time jump in Avengers: Endgame. Gunn's recent remarks on Threads indicate that there may be underlying problems within Marvel Studios, as he stated that he is unaware of any "timeline-keeper" position within the organization. Gunn's full response can be found below.

The rest of the team, including Chantal, Galen, Jess, and others, and I do not know the individual mentioned if they are associated with Marvel. I have never had any discussions with them. However, I speculate that this is why there is confusion about Vol 3 being released now while others claim it will be in 2030 or some other timeframe. I already believed I was pushing the limits of my age, considering that my grandpa is still alive!

Why Marvel's Post-Endgame MCU Timeline Is So Confusing

James Gunn Unveils a Game-Changing Issue in Marvel's Post-Endgame MCU Timeline

The absence of any communication between James Gunn and a timeline-keeper at Marvel Studios suggests that the position may not exist. Despite working with the company for nearly a decade and having involvement in at least four projects from 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy to 2023's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it is possible that Gunn's work was more focused on a self-contained series. However, if Marvel Studios lacks someone responsible for maintaining the MCU's timeline, it could explain the inconsistencies that have emerged over the years. Notably, these include a confusing "eight years later" title card in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the reference to "Lady Thor" in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law before Jane Foster wields Mjolnir, and the disputed timeline between Phase 1 projects.

The timeline issues of Marvel Studios were further complicated following Avengers: Endgame, as the MCU took a leap five years ahead into the future. This means that the majority of Endgame, released in 2019, actually takes place in 2023, and the current continuity of the MCU appears to be set in 2025/26, although clarification is still needed. Unlike the pre-Endgame projects that mostly aligned with their release years, following the events of Endgame, it has become increasingly challenging to keep track of the timeline in the post-Endgame MCU. The upcoming Official Timeline book for the Marvel Cinematic Universe may provide some answers, but Gunn's statements suggest that further explanation is required to address these inconsistencies.

Source: Threads