Top 15 Epic Battles in the Pokémon Anime, Ranked
Unleash your inner Pokémon trainer as we count down the 15 most epic battles in the Pokémon anime! From intense showdowns to unexpected twists, these electrifying clashes will leave you on the edge of your seat!
Article Overview
Ash's battles in the Pokémon anime are significant moments for his character and show his growth as a trainer over the years.
The finest Pokémon battles captivate with stunning animation, relentless action, and emotionally charged character moments. Whether challenging gym leaders and champions or confronting rivals and long-lost companions, these battles profoundly affect Ash and deeply connect with fans.
The Pokémon anime has showcased numerous exhilarating battles throughout its 25-year history. However, the most exceptional Pokémon battles are not merely unforgettable; they hold great significance for Ash as a character. Fans have been deeply invested in Ash's quest to become the best, and to this day, these battles from years ago continue to be discussed and adored by the fandom.
Ash's prowess as a trainer has significantly grown since he embarked on his journey. This is primarily due to the intense battles he has engaged in alongside his most powerful Pokémon throughout the series. Accompanied by Pikachu, Ash has faced off against champions, competed in regional tournaments, and even participated in the prestigious World Coronation Series, all in his pursuit of becoming the ultimate trainer. Amongst his vast array of battles, a select few stand out as the absolute best moments in the anime. These epic clashes exemplify the finest elements of the franchise: breathtaking animation, relentless action, and moments that tug at the audience's heartstrings.
15. Ash Vs. Olympia
XY Episode 93: All Eyes on the Future!
Olympia, the seventh gym leader that Ash encounters in the Kalos region, specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon. Their electrifying battle stands out due to its unique format - a Double Battle. Ash's team consisted of Frogadier and Talonflame, while Olympia utilized two formidable Meowstic. It's worth noting that Pikachu, although not directly participating in the battle, played a crucial role by indicating the countdown for Meowstic's Future Sight attack. This valuable information allowed Ash to devise a cunning strategy, resulting in Olympia's Pokémon inadvertently inflicting damage upon themselves. Ash's tactical brilliance in this remarkable encounter makes it a captivating spectacle to behold, reaffirming the fact that Olympia is an opponent not to be taken lightly.
14. Ash Vs. Misty
Sun & Moon Episode 43: When Regions Collide!
Misty, undoubtedly, was Ash's initial companion on his travels, so it is undoubtedly amazing to witness her resurgence in the series. However, her reappearance in the Sun & Moon series highlights the tremendous growth of this young Water-type trainer. During their long-awaited reunion battle, Misty reveals her newfound ability to Mega Evolve her Pokémon by impressively showcasing it with Gyarados. Ash, on the other hand, relies on Pikachu, only to realize that Misty has become a considerably more formidable opponent since the last time they clashed. Eventually, the clash reaches its climactic finale when Ash and Pikachu unleash a powerful Z-move, bringing an end to the battle in a dazzling display befitting the return of an old friend.
13. Ash Vs. Korrina
Journeys Episode 25: A Festival Reunion!
Although Korrina is not explicitly considered Ash's rival, the series portrays her as one whenever their paths cross. Following their interactions in Kalos, they reunite during the World Coronation Series, where they compete in a battle to advance to the esteemed Great Class. Ash confidently leads with his Gengar, only to be swiftly outmatched by Korrina's formidable Lucario. Determined to turn the tide, he brings out his powerful Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, Dragonite, which easily overpowers Korrina's Mienshao. The climax of their intense and captivating clash ultimately comes down to the face-off between Korrina's Mega Lucario and Ash's Dragonite, with the victory ultimately being claimed by the lovable orange dragon. This thrilling battle marks the return of Mega Evolution and serves as a fantastic platform to showcase Ash's Dragonite.
12. Ash Vs. Lieutenant Surge
Original Series Episode 14: Electric Shock Showdown
Kanto was a rollercoaster ride for Ash, filled with triumphs and setbacks. The anime brilliantly captured his lack of experience in Pokémon battles, resulting in an over-reliance on Pikachu. It was a pivotal moment when Ash confronted the formidable Lieutenant Surge, the Electric-type Gym Leader of Vermilion City. During their initial confrontation, Ash and Pikachu were easily defeated by Surge and his main Pokémon, Raichu. The rematch proved equally challenging for Pikachu, but the determined yellow mouse refused to give up. The battle was intense and reached a climax when Raichu unleashed a devastating surge of electricity, shattering the Gym's lights and windows. In the end, Pikachu emerged victorious, igniting a wave of jubilation among fans, who cheered alongside the triumphant duo.
11. Ash Vs. Harrison
Original Series Episode 271: Playing With Fire!
Harrison, a recurrent character in the Johto season, played the role of a seasoned trainer and mentor to Ash, hailing from Hoenn. Their amicable rivalry culminated in a highly anticipated match at the Silver Conference. The battle unfolded with a slight equilibrium as Ash's Bayleef emerged triumphant over Harrison's Houndoom, granting the underappreciated Starter its well-deserved moment in the spotlight. The clash also marked the unveiling of Blaziken, a formidable Fire Starter in the realm of Pokémon. Living up to its reputation, Blaziken vanquished Ash's mightiest Pokémon, Charizard, after an arduous and captivating struggle. Despite the defeat, Ash and his team left an indelible mark in fans' hearts, evoking a sense of pride and admiration.
10. Ash Vs. Clemont
XY Episode 67: The Moment Of Lumiose Truth!
Clemont, pictured here as
, stands out as one of Ash's most intelligent and endearing companions. With his sweet nature and occasional clumsiness, he often finds himself feeling easily embarrassed. Throughout the X & Y season, viewers witness Clemont grappling with his own self-doubt, resulting in some relatable and heartfelt moments. As the Lumiose City Gym Leader, Clemont engages in a memorable three-on-three battle against Ash. One particularly notable highlight is when Clemont's Luxray squares off against Ash's formidable Goodra. Despite Luxray's impressive performance, it ultimately falls short against Ash's Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. This pivotal battle marks a turning point for Clemont, as it gradually boosts his confidence in his own abilities. Moreover, it also stands as one of Goodra's most outstanding moments within the anime, adding an extra layer of significance and excitement.
9. Ash Vs. Brandon -
Ruby & Sapphire Episdoe 189 & 190: Gathering the Gang of Four! & Pace - The Final Frontier!
Brandon, as the head of the Battle Frontier, serves as the ultimate challenge for trainers seeking victory. This particular battle stands out as Ash chooses to rely on his trusted old partners - Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charizard - who have been on the sidelines for quite some time. Brandon proves to be an intimidating adversary, commanding Legendary Pokémon (specifically, Regice) and displaying exceptional skills. As Ash's core Kanto team members showcase their abilities one last time, this battle not only provides excitement but also evokes a sense of nostalgia that intensifies with each passing year.
8. Ash Vs. Kukui
Sun & Moon Episode 144: From Z To Shining Z!
Ash's exhibition match against Professor Kukui at the Alola League is a legendary battle that defies rules and stretches over an astonishing five episodes. Both Ash and the Professor employ every trick in their arsenal to secure a win. Towards the end, the powerful Legendary Pokémon Tapu Koko aligns with Kukui to challenge Ash. In response, Ash unleashes his Ultra Beast, Naganadel, taking the battle to new and awe-inspiring heights. However, fans were left astounded when Naganadel succumbed, prompting Ash to deploy his final Pokémon, Pikachu. Witnessing the franchise's iconic mascot facing off against a Legendary Pokémon is not uncommon, but this instance was truly extraordinary. Pikachu utilized all the knowledge and skills it had acquired thus far, culminating in a hard-earned victory.
7. Ash Vs. Paul
Diamond & Pearl Episode 188: Battling A Thaw In Relations!
Paul, a beloved villain among Pokémon fans, undergoes a remarkable journey of redemption, transforming into a more compassionate Trainer. Widely regarded as Ash's ultimate rival, their epic showdown during the Lily of the Valley Conference solidifies this claim. Engaging in a thrilling battle with their full six-member teams, Paul's Electivire faces off against Ash's Infernape, who had evolved from the Chimchar Paul once mistreated and abandoned. Ultimately, Infernape triumphs over Electivire, securing Ash's victory. Remarkably, Paul harbors no bitterness, having developed a profound respect for Ash's exceptional skills as a Trainer. This culmination marks the end of a season-long rivalry, ranking among Ash's most memorable encounters. While the intense battle itself captivates, it is the intricate history between these two Trainers that amplifies its iconic nature.
6. Ash Vs. Iris
Journeys Episode 65: Thrash Of The Titans!
Iris used to travel with Ash in the past, and their relationship was quite contentious during their time in Unova. However, there was a genuine appreciation underlying their actions. They had immense respect for each other, and fans were fully aware that if they ever crossed paths again, the battle would be absolutely epic. The reunion between these two friends takes place when Iris, who is now the Champion of Unova, challenges Ash for the opportunity to reach the Ultra Class. Ash's Dracovish manages to defeat Iris' Dragonite, but the real showdown occurs between her Haxorus and his Dragonite. Both dragons give it their all, but Ash's Dragonite, showcasing why it is one of his most powerful Pokémon, emerges victorious by utilizing Draco Meteor to defeat Haxorus. This battle strikes the perfect balance between nostalgia and excitement, resulting in a truly captivating encounter that demonstrates just how much these two Trainers have grown since they last encountered each other.
5. Ash Vs. Alain
XY Episode 130: Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!
Introduced in the Mega Evolution Specials, Alain quickly became a rival for Ash in the main anime series. Their ultimate showdown for the Kalos champion title was a truly epic battle, featuring full teams of six Pokémon. While the match was filled with thrilling and flashy moments, it was the showdown between Alain's Mega Charizard X and Ash's extraordinary Bond Phenomenon Greninja that stole the spotlight. These two immensely powerful Pokémon clashed in a breathtaking display of strength and skill. Regardless of the outcome for Ash, this battle has remained a favorite among fans, both within the XY series and the anime as a whole.
4. Ash Vs. Gladion
Sun & Moon Episode 139: Enter The Champion!
After 22 years of challenges and numerous battles, Ash eventually achieves the coveted title of Pokémon League Champion. His remarkable triumph is the result of defeating his formidable Alola rival, Gladion, in a gripping and now legendary match. Gladion, one of Pokémon Sun and Moon's most outstanding characters, serves as a worthy opponent who inspires Ash to evolve into a superior Trainer. Their battle expertly showcases the strengths of their respective teams, while also highlighting the profound respect they share for one another. As the epic encounter reaches its climactic finale, both trainers unleash their loyal Lycanroc, resulting in a dramatic showdown that leaves only one standing. Ash's long-awaited victory arrives at the perfect moment, leaving every fan teary-eyed as he finally reaps the rewards of years of hard work. Undoubtedly, this monumental occasion stands as the definitive pinnacle of the entire anime.
3. Ash Vs. Tobias
Diamond & Pearl Episode 189: The Semi-Final Frontier!
The battle between Ash and Tobias during the Lily of the Valley Conference is considered one of the most unfair matchups in Pokémon history. Throughout his journey in the Sinnoh region, Ash grew tremendously as a Trainer and as an individual, leading fans to believe that he would finally achieve victory in the League Championship. Unfortunately, their hopes were dashed. Following his defeat of Paul, Ash advanced to the semifinals of the Conference to face off against Tobias, a formidable Trainer whose unbeaten Darkrai instilled fear in all opponents. The battle showcased several unforgettable moments, including Ash's Sceptile triumphing over the seemingly invincible Darkrai. Nevertheless, Tobias remained nonchalant and unleashed yet another Legendary Pokémon, Latios, ultimately securing his victory. Many fans continue to debate the fairness of this match, given the overwhelming power of Tobias' team. However, it cannot be denied that it was a spectacular showdown.
2. Ash Vs. Leon
Journeys Episode 129: A Flood of Torrential Gains!
Leon, the undefeated champion of the Galar region, serves as Ash's final challenge in the World Coronation Series' epic Masters' Eight tournament. This battle stands out from others in the anime as Leon permits Ash to utilize Dynamax, Mega Evolution, and Z-moves simultaneously, a rare occurrence. By employing some of Ash's most daring battle strategies, Leon demonstrates his preparedness, while Ash tests the limits of his formidable team in order to defeat Leon's unbeaten Charizard. This climactic moment represents the culmination of the series' history and lives up to its deserving epicness.
1. Ash Vs. Gary
Original Series Episode 270: Can't Beat the Heat!
Right from the start of the series, it was clear that Ash and Gary had a fierce rivalry. Gary took pleasure in taunting and belittling Ash, never missing an opportunity to embarrass him. However, as time went on, their relationship evolved and they developed a mutual respect for each other's skills. When the moment finally arrived for Ash and Gary to battle it out in the Silver Conference, fans held their breaths in anticipation. The clash between these two Trainers was intense, with the ultimate showdown being between Gary's Blastoise and Ash's Charizard. In a truly iconic moment from the anime, Charizard executed a Seismic Toss, overpowering Blastoise and securing Ash's victory. While there may have been more thrilling battles, none held as much significance as this one.
In Pokémon battles, while flashy animation and cool moves are impressive, the true importance lies in the emotional significance they hold for the participating characters. The series' most memorable battles not only involve powerful creatures facing off, but also carry a deep emotional connection for Ash. Whether it's demonstrating his personal growth to a rival, chasing his dreams through intense competition, or engaging in a gym battle with a trusted friend, each of these battles has a profound impact on Ash's character development.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z fan, I grew up watching the Pokémon anime and have always been captivated by the epic battles that take place. The battles in the Pokémon anime are not just exciting and action-packed, but they also hold great significance for Ash as a character and show his growth as a trainer.
One of my favorite battles is the one between Ash and Korrina in the World Coronation Series. This battle is significant because it showcases Ash's growth as a trainer and his ability to strategize and adapt to different situations. Another one of my favorite battles is the one between Ash and Misty in the Sun & Moon series. This battle is special because it shows the growth of both Ash and Misty as trainers and highlights the bond they have formed over the years. Overall, the Pokémon anime has had many epic battles, and I look forward to seeing more in the future.