Italian leader Meloni discusses Ukraine weariness in conversation with Russian pranksters

Italian leader Meloni discusses Ukraine weariness in conversation with Russian pranksters

Italian leader expresses concerns over Ukraine conflict and lack of support for migration issues in phone call with Russian pranksters

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed frustration with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the lack of support Italy receives regarding migration during a phone conversation with Russian pranksters.

On Wednesday, a 13-minute audio recording of the September call was released online by Russians Vovan and Lexus, notorious for tricking Western politicians and celebrities to trigger candid and unfiltered statements.

Meloni's office expressed regret that she had been deceived by an imposter who pretended to be the head of the African Union Commission. The statement mentioned that the call occurred on September 18, just before her meetings with African leaders at the United Nations General Assembly.

When asked about Russia's involvement in the war in Ukraine, Meloni remarked in English, "I observe a considerable level of weariness, to be honest, from all parties involved. We are approaching a point where everyone realizes the importance of finding a resolution."

"The challenge is to seek a mutually acceptable solution while upholding international law," she commented. Regarding Italy's role as a primary destination for migrants crossing the Mediterranean, Meloni expressed disappointment over the insufficient support from international partners.

Italian leader Meloni discusses Ukraine weariness in conversation with Russian pranksters

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is splitting from her partner after his televised sexist remarks.

Rossella Papetti/AGF/Shutterstock

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All of them concur that Italy should be solely responsible for resolving this issue. It's an incredibly foolish mindset. Prankster Lexus, also known as Alexei Stolyarov, mentioned that Meloni, at the very least, was willing to express her genuine viewpoints.

"Regrettably, unlike her, numerous politicians in Europe exhibit a robotic demeanor, merely echoing viewpoints confined to their own inner circles," he informed Reuters during a telephone conversation. He clarified that he spoke while Vovan, too, listened in on the call with Meloni.

Meloni, who served as the Italian prime minister for a year, recently ended her relationship with her TV presenter partner. This occurred after unauthorized video clips from his show surfaced, revealing his use of offensive language and seemingly making inappropriate advances towards a female co-worker.