Numerous characters make their presence known in Jujutsu Kaisen, each contributing their own distinctive impact on the narrative. In season 2, Yuko Ozawa made a brief but memorable appearance as a love interest for Yuji Itadori, marking the first time a character was introduced as a romantic interest for a student from the main trio. Fans were intrigued by her short-lived role, leading to extensive discussions and speculation about her potential future in the series.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Will Yuko Ozawa return?
Yuko Ozawa and Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Yuko Ozawa will not make a return or appear again in Jujutsu Kaisen, as she is a minor character who only appeared in episode 6 of the second season and Chapter 64 of the manga. Despite her limited screen time, it is clear that she still harbors romantic feelings for the protagonist, Yuji Itadori, even though she has changed considerably since their high school days. Despite this, she remains the same girl who was infatuated with the kind-hearted sorcerer.
Who is Yuko Ozawa?
In Junior High, Yuji's classmate was Yuko Ozawa from Jujutsu Kaisen. At first, she was a shy and insecure girl struggling with her weight and lacked the confidence to confess her feelings to Yuji. She claimed to "hate all the boys except Yuji".
However, after moving to Tokyo, she experienced significant physical changes. She had a growth spurt, added 15cm to her height, and lost weight due to the stress of moving. This transformation made her almost unrecognizable, as evidenced by Nobara's reaction to seeing Yuko's before and after.
One day, she happened to overhear a conversation in which Yuji confessed his preference for her among his classmates. He shared that he admired Yuko for the way she ate and her elegant writing. Discovering that he saw something in her that she hadn't noticed herself took her by surprise. This led to her developing a crush on him.
Yuko Ozawa during Junior High in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via Gege Akutami, Shueisha)
Upon hearing this, she found the courage to ask him for a photograph on their graduation day. When she later encountered him in Tokyo, she decided to share her feelings with him, empowered by her newfound confidence.
Yet, she ultimately chose not to confess her feelings, recognizing that she didn't want his response to be based on her physical appearance. She feared that doing so would make her act like the people she despised.
Final Thoughts
Yuko Ozawa and Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen (Image via MAPPA)
Currently, Yuko Ozawa has had very little screen time in Jujutsu Kaisen, but her brief yet impactful appearance was intriguing. While Gege Akutami's series hasn't focused on love or romance, the introduction of Yuko Ozawa suggests that this might change.
For now, the series is primarily centered on the battle against Sukuna. With Gojo absent, Hajime Kashimo unable to fight, and Hiromi Higuruma also out of commission, things look bleak for the sorcerers. Only time will tell how future events will unfold. As for Yuko, fans can hope to see a potential relationship with Yuji in the series' future.
Editor's P/S
As a passionate fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, I was thrilled to hear about the possibility of Yuko Ozawa's return. Her brief appearance in season 2 left a lasting impression, and I couldn't help but wonder if she would play a more significant role in the story. While it's disappointing to learn that she won't be making a comeback, I understand that her character served a specific purpose in the narrative. Her interactions with Yuji provided a glimpse into his past and added depth to his character.
Despite her limited screen time, Yuko Ozawa managed to capture the hearts of many fans. Her transformation from a shy and insecure girl to a confident and self-assured woman was inspiring, and her unrequited feelings for Yuji added a touch of romance to the otherwise action-packed series. I believe that her character has the potential to be further developed in the future, and I would love to see her return in a more substantial role.