Is there a Breaking Bad sequel named The Way in the works?

Is there a Breaking Bad sequel named The Way in the works?

Is a Breaking Bad sequel called The Way on the horizon? Fans eagerly speculate on the possibility of a follow-up to the iconic series, a decade after its finale Stay tuned to uncover if this thrilling rumor holds any truth

Is it true that Breaking Bad's sequel, titled The Way, is in the works? It has been a decade since the thrilling conclusion of Felina, and some fans are speculating about the possibility of a follow-up to this widely celebrated show. Breaking Bad, widely regarded as one of the greatest television series, played a significant role in defining the golden age of television, following in the footsteps of The Sopranos. Vince Gilligan's masterpiece, led by Bryan Cranston's unforgettable portrayal of Walter White, alias Heisenberg, received immense critical acclaim.

The show's ultimate episode provided a cathartic release and closure, liberating Jesse from the unbearable grasp of Jack and his neo-Nazis in a thrilling display of triumph, while Walter ensured that every loose end was addressed before the credits rolled.

Despite Breaking Bad concluding in 2013 and receiving a sequel movie in 2019, why are fans currently discussing The Way?

Is there a Breaking Bad sequel called The Way?

No, a Breaking Bad sequel titled The Way isn’t happening.

This is likely because of a fabricated trailer announcement gaining hundreds of likes on Facebook, along with the spread of another fictitious sequel called The Path, which has gone viral with thousands of shares. Such posts frequently surface, causing individuals to hastily tag their friends in a surge of misplaced excitement – despite there being nothing to get excited about at all.

Only one sequel to Breaking Bad has been made, titled El Camino, in which Aaron Paul reprises his role as Jesse. In addition to El Camino, there is Better Call Saul, a spinoff that delves into the backstory of Slippin’ Jimmy and the downfall of Saul Goodman. Better Call Saul concluded earlier this year.

Although initially stating that he was finished with the Breaking Bad universe after the conclusion of Better Call Saul, Gilligan recently revealed to Variety that he now finds himself pondering the lives of the show’s characters after the original finale.

Occasionally, I catch myself pondering over the fate of those characters, indulging in daydreams about their possible outcomes. Anna Gunn and RJ Mitte brilliantly portray these intriguing roles, leaving me yearning for a more favorable conclusion for them," he expressed.

"The conclusion of Breaking Bad may not be particularly cheerful for these characters; however, it does suggest that their lives continue. I prefer to imagine that things improve for them. The very thought of Walt Jr. following in his father's criminal footsteps disturbs me. Perhaps, many years down the line, someone might propose a storyline where Walter Jr. becomes an Albuquerque crime lord, surpassing his father's failures. Nevertheless, I hope this scenario never materializes."

I can assure you that I have no interest in witnessing that occurrence. It would be a disheartening homage to the show. Contemplating the fate of the characters is enjoyable, but it lacks the desire to delve deeper into the storyline. However, perhaps in a few years, things may change. For more information on the possibilities of Breaking Bad Season 6, click here, and explore the rest of our TV & movies articles here.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Breaking Bad, I have mixed feelings about the possibility of a sequel titled "The Way." On the one hand, I am eager to revisit the world of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman and learn more about their lives after the events of the original series. On the other hand, I am concerned that a sequel could tarnish the legacy of the original show.

I believe that Breaking Bad ended on a perfect note, with Walter White's death and Jesse Pinkman's escape from captivity. The show's creator, Vince Gilligan, has said that he is not interested in making a sequel, and I respect his decision. I think that it is important to let the show rest and not try to force a continuation.

However, I can understand why some fans are clamoring for a sequel. Breaking Bad was a groundbreaking show, and it is natural to want more. I just hope that if a sequel is ever made, it is done in a way that respects the original series and does not damage its legacy.