Is Britney Haynes the Next Big Brother Reindeer Games Winner?

Is Britney Haynes the Next Big Brother Reindeer Games Winner?

A look at Britney Haynes' journey on Big Brother Reindeer Games and her chances of winning the title.

The Return of Britney Haynes to Big Brother Reindeer Games

Big Brother Reindeer Games winners’ title is up for grabs, and with the edit she’s getting on the series, many are wondering if Britney Haynes could win the game. After being one of the most dynamic houseguests on both Big Brother 12 and Big Brother 14, viewers were thrilled to hear that Britney would be returning for another iteration of Big Brother on the spin-off series. While the spin-off is a shorter, holiday-themed version of Big Brother, it offers some of the same social components of the show that Britney has always excelled with. Known for her sassy one-liners and stellar diary room sessions, Britney has always been a favorite.

Britney Haynes smiling for a promo image for Big Brother.

Britney Haynes smiling for a promo image for Big Brother.

With a lineup of nine Big Brother legends on the cast of Big Brother Reindeer Games season 1, many were concerned to see Britney with a huge group of competitive threats. Knowing that players like Cody Calafiore, Xavier Prather, and Frankie Grande were headed into the game, many believed that Britney would be taken out early in the competition by competitors who would see her as a weaker player. Things were quickly turned on their side when it became clear that social strategy would be a huge part of Big Brother Reindeer Games, something Britney has always been incredible with.

Instagram article posted by britney_haynes

The Rise of Britney Haynes: From Big Brother 12 to Big Brother Reindeer Games

During her initial run on Big Brother 12, Britney was one to watch. Known for her dry sense of humor and pithy remarks in the diary room, the Oklahoma native was a favorite amongst viewers who loved seeing her keeping it real in the house. Throughout a feud with eventual Big Brother winner Rachel Reilly and her being used by the all-male alliance, The Brigade, Britney was able to keep her composure and keep viewers watching. She eventually won the title of America’s Favorite Houseguest during the BB 12 finale, making it clear that the audience had loved her throughout the season.

Although Britney’s known for her social gameplay, her time on Big Brother Reindeer Games has made it obvious she’s willing to be cut-throat with her strategy. During Big Brother Reindeer Games season 1 episode 3, Britney had a tough choice. She could send one of her allies, Taylor Hale and Danielle Reyes, into Santa’s Showdown, or she could send BB 19 winner Josh Martinez and break a promise she’d made to him. Britney, knowing that Danielle was a huge threat to her game, chose to send her ally into the showdown where she was ultimately eliminated. She proven she can make difficult moves if it furthers her chance to win.

Is Britney Getting A Winners' Edit on Big Brother Reindeer Games?

After years of working to prove herself on Big Brother, Britney may finally be getting the winners’ edit of the season. After winning the first competition of Big Brother Reindeer Games, Britney went on to create alliances that helped her work through the second, third, and fourth competitions unscathed. While she was nervous about the challenge of Santa’s Showdown, Britney ultimately stepped up to the challenge, making it clear she’s more than an underdog. With fun diary room sessions and an underdog edit, Britney could be the winner of Big Brother Reindeer Games season 1 if the edit goes her way.

Britney Haynes Big Brother Reindeer Games Promo Shot

Britney Haynes Big Brother Reindeer Games Promo Shot