Introducing Bluehost Managed Cloud Hosting for WordPress Users

Introducing Bluehost Managed Cloud Hosting for WordPress Users

Experience enhanced speed, scalability, and security with the new Bluehost managed cloud hosting tailored for WordPress websites, powered by cutting-edge WP Cloud infrastructure.

Managed WordPress Hosting and Bluehost have introduced a new managed WordPress cloud hosting solution. This service provides optimized WordPress performance features that are not commonly found in traditional shared, VPN, and dedicated hosting setups. With this new managed WordPress cloud service, all the technical aspects of maintaining a fast and secure website with 100% uptime are taken care of.

Managed WordPress hosting is specifically designed for WordPress websites, offering built-in security and tools for small businesses, developers, and agencies.

The new Bluehost and hosting takes managed WordPress optimizations to a cloud hosted platform, providing higher performance and scaling beyond traditional shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting environments.

Enhanced Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting

Our upgraded cloud hosting infrastructure comes with built-in security features, DDOS protection, CDN, and scaling capabilities. This ensures that your website will always be up and running smoothly at lightning-fast speeds.

Managed cloud hosting involves hosting on a network of servers at a datacenter, which can extend to a global network of datacenters. This type of hosting provides unique benefits that are not typically found in other hosting environments.

On the other hand, shared hosting consists of one server hosting thousands of websites. While shared hosting is more cost-effective, the performance levels are usually at the lowest end of the spectrum.

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is like a dedicated server shared with a limited number of other virtual servers on one machine. It offers high performance but lacks the benefits of managed WordPress hosting, as the hosting subscriber is responsible for security and other hosting requirements.

A dedicated server is controlled by one publisher, offering complete control over the server. Running a dedicated server requires technical knowledge but results in incredibly fast and responsive websites.

The Bluehost managed WordPress cloud environment is based on a global infrastructure, offering hosting across multiple machines in a datacenter. This is why it's called a cloud hosting environment.

Bluehost Cloud is backed by WordPress experts and runs on a reliable global server network. This platform is designed with a scalable and fault-tolerant infrastructure across multiple regions, guaranteeing 100% network uptime and the ability to easily adjust to changes in website traffic.

Who Bluehost WordPress Managed Cloud Is For

Bluehost WordPress Managed Cloud is designed for businesses and online stores that prioritize reliability, top-notch performance, and strong security measures.

Prices for our cloud hosting plans range from $79.99/month to $299/month, with early access prices discounted by up to 56%. The main difference between each plan is the allocation of virtual centralized processing units (vCPU) and SSD storage space.

The lowest tier plan is ideal for hosting a single website, while the higher priced plans are optimized for hosting multiple websites or a single site with high traffic.

For more details, check out the announcement on

Unmatched power, speed, & control with WordPress cloud hosting

Read the announcement at

WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress

Featured Image by Shutterstock/file404

Editor's P/S:

Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting: A Revolution in Website Management

Managed WordPress cloud hosting is a transformative solution that empowers businesses and individuals to create and maintain high-performing WordPress websites. This service eliminates the technical complexities of traditional hosting environments, providing a seamless and secure platform for website owners. By leveraging advanced cloud infrastructure, managed WordPress cloud hosting ensures lightning-fast speeds, enhanced security, and unparalleled scalability.

The Bluehost and collaboration offers a comprehensive managed WordPress cloud solution that caters to the specific needs of businesses. With a range of plans tailored to varying website requirements, this service enables users to optimize their online presence with ease. The built-in security features, DDOS protection, CDN, and scaling capabilities ensure that websites remain accessible, secure, and responsive even during peak traffic periods. Whether you're a small business owner, a developer, or an agency, managed WordPress cloud hosting empowers you to create and manage websites with confidence and efficiency. piece provides valuable insights into the latest offering from and Bluehost, empowering website owners to make informed decisions when choosing a hosting solution for their WordPress websites.