International Marketing & Export Management - Buy/Free download (PDF)

International Marketing & Export Management - Buy/Free download (PDF)

International Marketing & Export Management - A very famous textbook on International Marketing and Export Management, widely used in universities and businesses.

International Marketing & Export Management Ebook

International Marketing & Export Management

Language: English (English)

Book title translated into Vietnamese: International Marketing & Export Management

Author: Gerald Albaum & Edwin Duerr


"International Marketing & Export Management" is a textbook that researches and discusses two main topics: International Marketing (Marketing in foreign territories) and Export Management. For the topic of International Marketing, the author of the book has skillfully led the readers from the outstanding issues (the role of international marketing in multinational enterprises, import-export, related issues). related to international marketing that is causing difficulties for businesses today...) to specialized issues (international marketing environment, factors in the international environment affecting business activities of enterprises) international marketing strategies...). For the topic of export management, readers will be provided with relevant essential information such as export models/types (Direct export, Indirect export, cooperative export), models international business model without exporting, issues related to products, prices, promotion, supply chain management in international business...


  • Business owners, managers, marketing people in multinational, import-export businesses.
  • Students, students, trainees, lecturers in Marketing, business administration, international business at universities, colleges, intermediate schools, academies, educational centers.

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International Marketing & Export Management 8th Edition

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International Marketing & Export Management 7th Edition

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