Insider Reveals Shocking Secret about Titanfall 3's Cancellation

Insider Reveals Shocking Secret about Titanfall 3's Cancellation

Respawn Entertainment worked on Titanfall 3 for almost a year but ultimately decided to cancel the development, according to a former employee

Despite being reportedly in development for almost a year, Titanfall 3 was ultimately cancelled and never released. Despite Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella expressing his desire for a third installment, the game never came to fruition. In 2020, there were hints from EA that Titanfall 3 was on the horizon, with rumors circulating that Respawn was already working on the project. However, as time passed, updates on the game ceased and both Respawn and EA remained tight-lipped, leading fans to believe that the game was no longer in development. This coincided with the rise in popularity of Apex Legends, another game set in the Titanfall universe, which seemed to take precedence for Respawn.

Former Respawn designer Mohammad Alavi has shed light on the cancellation of Titanfall 3, revealing that the game was in development for 10 months before being scrapped. According to Alavi, the decision to abandon the project came as a result of PUBG's rising popularity and Respawn's own struggles to fix Titanfall 2's multiplayer mode. With dwindling player numbers, the team made the decision to pivot and create their own battle royale map with Titanfall-inspired classes, which ultimately became Apex Legends. While Alavi acknowledged that Titanfall 3 would not have been a revolutionary title, he claimed that it would have been "incrementally better" than its predecessor. Despite the disappointment of the cancellation, Alavi believes that the decision to pivot was ultimately the right one, given the success of Apex Legends.

However, fans of the series were disappointed to hear that the development of the game was halted due to the cancellation of a single-player Apex Legends or Titanfall game. Despite this setback, the popularity of Apex Legends continues to rise, with millions of players worldwide enjoying the game and its diverse range of characters and abilities. While some may still hold out hope for the release of another Titanfall game, many fans have resigned themselves to the possibility that it may never come to fruition.