Howard the Duck Unleashed: The Ultimate Deck Guide

Howard the Duck Unleashed: The Ultimate Deck Guide

Learn how to build the ultimate Marvel Snap deck with Howard the Duck! Discover the best cards for maximum synergy and how to counter opponents' decks Dominate the game with this unbeatable strategy

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Building the Ultimate Howard the Duck Deck: Synergy and Counters

While Howard the Duck may not appear to be a formidable card, his unique ability to preview the next card in the deck has made him a valuable asset in prediction and control-based decks. In this article, we'll explore the best cards to include in a Howard deck for optimal synergy and the most effective counters to protect against opposing strategies.

The Best Deck for Howard the Duck

Creating consistent decks around Howard the Duck can be a challenge for Marvel Snap fans. This is due to the limited number of cards that complement him well. To help with this, we have put together a guide on how to build the optimal Marvel Snap team for the new Ultra Rare Series 5 Howard the Duck, as well as selecting the cards that synergize with him the most.

Howard the Duck Unleashed: The Ultimate Deck Guide

If you're looking to create the perfect deck for Howard the Duck, then an Iron-Lad-Infinaut lineup with Control Archetype is the way to go. This set up requires players to team Howard up with a group of powerful heroes including Sera, Zabu, Jubilee, Nova, Aero, Wasp, Daredevil, Killmonger, Shang-Chi, and, of course, Infinaut and Iron Lad. By strategically combining the skills and abilities of these heroes, players can create a formidable deck that is sure to give them the upper hand in any battle.




Howard the Duck






Iron Lad





























Players who use Howard the Duck’s deck aim to anticipate the upcoming cards and play strategically. By employing Howard's Ongoing ability to disclose the top card of the deck, players can plan for a triumphant Iron Lad-Shang-Chi or Jubilee-Infinaut combination to win the game.

Sera and Zabu proficiently handle the deck's Cost, paving the way for the early use of higher-value cards. Nova and Killmonger enable a potential comeback with their Destroy synergy, while Wasp and Aero grant the power to influence the adversary's advantageous or menacing positions. As for Daredevil, it lays bare any opposing tactics, ensuring the safety of the board in the ultimate stages.

Cards with the Best Synergy for a Howard Deck

The superheroes in the deck have unique abilities that can turn the tide of the game. Howard the Duck reveals the top card, while Jubilee pulls it to her location. Iron Lad mimics the text of the top card, and Sera reduces the cost of the cards in hand. Infinaut becomes playable after a skipped round, and Zabu reduces the cost of all 4-cost cards. Daredevil exposes the enemy's round-5 cards, and Killmonger destroys all 1-cost cards on the board. Nova gives all friendly cards +1 power when destroyed, and Aero moves the last enemy card to her location. Wasp, on the other hand, does not have any special ability. Meanwhile, Shang-Chi has the power to destroy all enemy cards with 9+ power in his location.

Howard the Duck Unleashed: The Ultimate Deck Guide

Pairing up Iron Lad and Howard the Duck creates a powerful synergy that can greatly benefit players. In the past, using an Iron Lad deck was a risky move since it would copy the text of the next card before it was even revealed. However, with Howard in the mix, players can now utilize Iron Lad more strategically to achieve maximum impact and gain an edge over their opponents.

Jubilee makes for a reliable addition to Howard the Duck decks due to her ability to draw the top card of the deck into her own location, which can create unexpected and powerful combinations. However, players should note that, similar to Iron Lad, Jubilee must execute this action before the card is revealed. As such, pairing Jubilee with Howard is the only way to guarantee that she will draw the desired card.

The Best Counters for Howard the Deck

Howard the Duck Unleashed: The Ultimate Deck Guide

To counter Howard the Duck, players can turn to Enchantress or Killmonger, both of whom are effective against the 1-Cost card's Ongoing ability. Enchantress can nullify Howard's ability, while Killmonger can take him out of play entirely. Alternatively, players can use anti-ability cards like Leech to disarm Howard and neutralize his threat on the battlefield.

Marvel Snap is available now for PC and mobile devices.