How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

Annapurna Animation is bringing the popular video game, Stray, to the big screen Discover the keys to its success: preserving the game's animation style, maintaining the allure of HopePunk elements, avoiding a talking cat, human involvement, and unnecessary sequels Get ready for a cinematic adventure like no other!


The Stray movie adaptation should respect the game's decision to have a silent protagonist, as it adds to the character's allure and charm.

The movie must preserve the game's immersive and mesmerizing animation style to effectively transfer the same experience to the big screen.

Emphasizing solely on the world of the stray cat and refraining from including human characters in the storyline is essential, as fans desire to perceive the world from the perspective of the cat.

The highly anticipated Stray movie adaptation is officially in the works, leaving fans of the captivating video game eager to see if Annapurna Animation will do it justice. Released in 2022, the video game achieved immense success, paving the way for the announcement of its big-screen counterpart.

The decision to bring Stray to cinemas is well justified, given how the game immerses players in its cinematic experience, where they assume the role of a stray cat navigating a city filled with machines and robots. As the unconventional protagonist, they must steer clear of the menacing Zurks and Sentinels that relentlessly seek to end their journey. These antagonists are sure to play a significant role in the movie's narrative.

Don't Let The Stray Cat Talk

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

In order for the movie version of Stray to succeed, it is crucial to maintain the key aspect of the cat not speaking. While it may be challenging to create a silent protagonist in a film, successful animated movies like Wall-E have demonstrated its potential. In Wall-E, the character primarily communicates through computer-generated noises and words, which adds to its charm.

In Stray, players are accustomed to controlling the cat as if it were a real cat. Introducing speech in the film adaptation would diminish the overall appeal of the franchise. It may be fitting to imply that the stray cat has a name, but it is advisable to adhere to the original material and preserve the air of mystery. This approach could evoke the image of the stray cat resembling a Clint Eastwood-like stranger in a Spaghetti western—silent, enigmatic, and nameless.

Keep The Animation Similar to the game

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

Annapurna Animation Studios would be making a mistake if they decided to alter the immersive and stunning graphics of the Stray game for its movie adaptation. Given that the same company involved in the production of the game is responsible for the movie, it is highly unlikely that they would make such a change.

Unfortunately, many video game adaptations have suffered disastrous consequences by altering the visual style of the source material. Hence, it is reassuring to know that the Stray movie will be an animation rather than a live-action version, as the latter would not be suitable. Hopefully, they will successfully replicate the game's aesthetics on the big screen.

Don't include humans in the story

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

While the Stray game explores the essence of humanity, it is crucial for the movie adaptation to mirror this by excluding human characters. The film should center on the captivating world of the stray cat, accompanied by a robot sidekick to add a touch of buddy comedy.

Fans eagerly anticipate experiencing the stray cat's perspective, thus humans must be completely absent. While the producers have expressed their commitment to this vision, it is not uncommon for Hollywood to alter plans.

Don't do a sequel to the game

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

The fans desire a faithful recreation of the beloved 2022 game, therefore, creating a sequel for the movie would be detrimental. Additionally, with the prospect of gaining new fans through the film adaptation, it is crucial to avoid confusion in the storytelling. Incorporating subtle Easter eggs for the game's enthusiasts is essential, as long as it doesn't detract from engaging both existing and potential fans. Considering the discussions around a game sequel, it is likely to materialize in the future, particularly if the movie achieves success. In that case, Annapurna Animation would have another game to translate into a cinematic experience.

Keep the HopePunk Elements Alive

How to Make Stray Movie a Phenomenal Success

The Stray video game heavily incorporates the deep subgenre of HopePunk in its storyline, and it is crucial for the movie adaptation to remain faithful to this element. HopePunk, a subgenre of speculative fiction, emerged as a contrary to Grimdark.

HopePunk revolves around characters who strive for positive transformation in the world and exhibit kindness towards one another, while also offering a collective response to significant challenges. These themes are essential to the video game and would seamlessly align with the movie version. Nevertheless, since the movie aims to cater to a younger audience, there is a risk that the creative team may overlook the HopePunk aspect in favor of more child-friendly themes. This would be a grave mistake and is likely to frustrate fans of the video game.