How to increase conversions (ROI) in an online advertising

How to increase conversions (ROI) in an online advertising

We all know that when it comes to generating leads, there's no better way than using an online advertising campaign. But what if your conversion rates are low? In this article we'll explore MANY TIPS for increasing conversions in your online advertising campaigns so you can generate more leads and grow your business.

We all know that when it comes to generating leads, there's no better way than using an online advertising campaign. But what if your conversion rates are low? In this article we'll explore 11 tips for increasing conversions in your online advertising campaigns so you can generate more leads and grow your business.

How to increase conversions (ROI) in an online advertising

1. Optimize your Ads (Text ads, Image Ads, Video Ads)

Optimize your Ads (Text ads, Image Ads, Video Ads)

The first step is to optimize your ads.

For text or search Ads, use relevant keywords, keep ad copy short and concise, use long tail keywords with low search volume (where you rank number 1 for those keywords). Make sure you have a clear CTA that shows people what to do next. For example; "Buy now" or "Call today".  

For banner Ads, use relevant images that capture your audience's interest. In the image you should have a clear CTA and make sure your logo is on there. Make sure you are using the right ad format for your campaign

For video Ads, use an animated explainer video if possible. These are really effective and usually rank high in search results (especially on Google). Make sure you include some clear CTAs towards the end of your video.

2. Be wise in choosing your target audience range

Be wise in choosing your target audience range

Let's say you're advertising a product in the software category. One possible CTA is to show your ads to more people who have an interest in software, but not already using your specific type of software. For example; you can target people with interests like "software", "computer" and maybe also "internet". If these are too broad you can target people who like specific software like "Microsoft Office" or "Adobe Photoshop".

You should test out different audiences in your campaign. This will allow you to know what type of ads are converting the best. Once you know this, optimize the appropriate audience and make sure you keep track of it so you can use it again later on.

3. Create a clear and concise value proposition

Create a clear and concise value proposition

Every time someone clicks on your ad to go to your landing page they are giving you a vote with their click. Your value proposition is the clear explanation of what problem you can solve for them and how it will benefit them. If you want people to take action, make sure that you clearly articulate this in words and design on your Ads and your landing page.

4. Use persuasive language to convince your audience of the benefits of your product or service

Use persuasive language to convince your audience of the benefits of your product or service

As marketers we often forget that the goal of our advertising campaigns is to "sell" a product or service. Great copywriters know that persuasive language is an integral part of marketing and can help convince people to take action. Make sure you use language that appeals to your client's emotions as this will make them more likely to convert into customers.

5. Make sure your landing page is well designed with clear instructions on how to take the next step 

Make sure your landing page is well designed with clear instructions on how to take the next step 

The landing page structure has a strong impact in advertising conversion.  To make sure your landing page is well designed and optimized for conversion, the first step is to choose the right design pattern for your ad.

For example, if your company sells a software, you can divide the landing page into different sections like, a hero image with a value proposition, video explaining the use of your software, screenshots and testimonials. The next step is to include clear instructions on how to take the next step. This can be done by making it easy to sign up for a free trial or download the product.

6. Include an FAQ section with common questions answered on the site

Include an FAQ section with common questions answered on the site

Customers always have wonders about your product. They would rather get their answers fast, so take that opportunity and answer all the possible questions they might have right on your site. You can make it easier for them by placing an FAQ section on the landing page (the more common ones) or within the product interface.

FAQ section is also good for SEO when it is listed in the structured data types of Google. FAQs are also a good tool to reduce support requests.

7. Use a call-to-action button that is easy to spot and stands out

Use a call-to-action button that is easy to spot and stands out from

Every design element should be used in a purposeful way. The call-to-action button is one of these elements that you shouldn't neglect. It's essential to make sure your call-to-action stands out from all other design elements, because it's meant to focus user attention and guide them towards taking the next step. For example, use a color that's different from the rest of your design and make it large enough so clicking it is easy for the user.

8. Avoid using jargon in your content, especially if it's intended for a non-technical audience

Avoid using jargon in your content, especially if it's intended for a non-technical audience

While it's important to keep your target audience in mind when writing for them, make sure you're not over-simplifying too much. Jargon is usually used by experts or people working within a specific industry so as to establish credibility and coherence with their peers.

If you're creating content that doesn't require the use of jargon, try to avoid it as much as you can. Make sure that, when used, it's clearly explained to your readers so don't assume they know what you're writing about. This will make your content easy to understand and more likely for your users to take the next step and convert into customers.

9. Test different variations of ads to see which one generates the best results 

Test different variations of ads to see which one generates the best results 

In marketing, the only way to know if something works is by testing it. With online advertising you can run A/B tests and generate results that will help you improve your campaign.

For example, if you want to increase sales generated from Ads, test different offers or calls-to-action and see which one produces the best results. Then you can invest in the most effective offer type.

10. Use live chat to interact with customers

Use live chat to interacte with customers

Live chat is an awesome tool that can increase customer satisfaction, conversions and sales made from ads. Customers want to get their doubts answered quickly and a live chat is the best way to do just that. It allows you to instantly interact with your customer and provide them with valuable information, help or support, therefore reducing the number of clicks needed for an action to be taken. In addition, you may collect important information of customers via live chat such as phone number, email address. Those information can be used for any remarketing programs.

Live chat can also have a positive impact on your traffic score, when it increase the time customer be active on your site.


All of these tips should help you create a more compelling landing page or marketing campaign that will generate conversions at the end. Remember, don't be afraid to experiment and test different methods for your campaigns if they're not working as well as you'd hoped. While the points mentioned above are just a few of many things you can do, they're some of the most effective and should help you see an increase in ROI.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

ROI stands for Return on Investment. It is a performance metric that measures the profit or loss generated from an online advertising campaign.
Some ways to increase conversions in online advertising include optimizing your website, targeting the right audience, creating compelling ad copy, and using retargeting campaigns.
A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of an ad or webpage to determine which one performs better. This can help improve conversion rates and ROI.
A landing page is a specific web page that a user is directed to after clicking on an online ad. It is designed to convert visitors into customers by providing relevant information and a clear call-to-action.
Tracking allows you to measure the success of your online advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve future campaigns. It helps you understand which ads and strategies are working and which ones are not, allowing you to optimize your ROI.