How Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell Navigated Through Challenges with Noah Cyrus (Exclusive)

How Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell Navigated Through Challenges with Noah Cyrus (Exclusive)

Tish Cyrus and her spouse, Dominic Purcell, have been navigating through tough times within their family dynamics, specifically dealing with issues involving their daughter Noah Cyrus.

Tish Cyrus and her husband, Dominic Purcell, have been focusing on improving their marriage after dealing with some issues related to drama with her daughter Noah Cyrus. A source exclusively revealed in the latest issue of We that the couple is working on enhancing their communication skills and have also sought therapy together.

In March, it was revealed that Noah, 24, was dating Purcell, 54, when Tish, 56, also showed interest in him. Noah, who is the youngest daughter of Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus, had reportedly been with Purcell for about eight or nine months.

Tish, Purcell, and Noah have not spoken publicly about the situation where they were all involved with each other. Sources have mentioned that the mother-daughter pair have not communicated since then.

The scandal had a negative impact on Tish's relationship with Purcell, her partner since 2022.

According to another source, the scandal caused a rift between them and it will take time for their relationship to recover.

Late last month, Tish acknowledged that there were “definitely issues” in their relationship.

“I was really nervous when I first met my husband, Dom, not too long ago,” Tish shared on the March 28 episode of her and daughter Brandi Cyrus’ “Sorry We’re Stoned” podcast. “It's funny because I am a Taurus and he is an Aquarius, and everything I read said, ‘Don’t even try it. This is the worst match.’”

How Tish Cyrus and Husband Dominic Purcell Coped With the Fallout of Noah Cyrus Drama

How Tish Cyrus and Husband Dominic Purcell Coped With the Fallout of Noah Cyrus Drama

Tish Cyrus, Dominic Purcell, Noah Cyrus. Getty Images(3)

Tish mentioned that she tends to take things very personally, whereas Purcell is known for being straightforward. The talent manager pointed out that this difference in communication styles could potentially be a challenge. However, she shared that she has learned to handle it better by having open conversations instead of taking offense, as she values and cares for him.

She continued by saying that instead of getting upset and heated about it, she is learning to not take it personally and to let him have his own opinion. Dealing with these issues has never been easy for her, but because she loves him, she is working through them.

Tish married Purcell in August 2023 at her daughter Miley Cyrus' Malibu, California, mansion, five months after publicly announcing their engagement. The wedding ceremony was attended by Brandi, Miley, and their brother Trace Cyrus. However, Noah and Braison Cyrus did not attend the occasion. It was reported that Miley, 31, even hired armed guards to be posted outside her home in case Noah tried to crash the wedding.

Tish and Billy Ray have children named Miley, Braison, and Noah. Brandi and Trace are Tish's children from a previous relationship.

In March, a third source revealed that Tish is eager to reconcile with Noah and hopes they can resolve their issues.

For more on Tish and Purcell’s relationship, pick up the new issue of We, on newsstands now.

Editor's P/S:

The drama surrounding Tish Cyrus, Dominic Purcell, and Noah Cyrus has taken a toll on their relationships. Tish and Purcell have been working on improving their communication and seeking therapy, while Tish and Noah have reportedly not spoken since the scandal broke. It is clear that the situation has caused significant pain and division within the family.

The article highlights the importance of open communication and empathy in relationships. Tish's efforts to understand Purcell's straightforward nature and avoid taking his words personally demonstrate her commitment to their marriage. It also underscores the challenges that can arise when different communication styles clash. The fact that Tish and Purcell are actively seeking professional help suggests their willingness to prioritize their relationship and work through their issues. However, the ongoing estrangement between Tish and Noah remains a concern, and it is unclear when or if they will be able to reconcile.