How Star Trek: Voyager's Scheduling Issues Saved Neelix's Character
Exploring the impact of scheduling issues on the development of Neelix's character in Star Trek: Voyager.
The Scheduling Issues and Neelix's Character
Star Trek: Voyager's season 2 scheduling issues had an unexpected impact on one of the show's polarizing characters, Neelix. The end of Voyager season 1 and the beginning of season 2 faced peculiar scheduling choices, resulting in four episodes that were meant for season 1 being moved to the beginning of season 2. This decision led to Voyager season 1 being shortened to just 16 episodes, falling short of the usual 26 episodes, and concluded with a rather mundane episode instead of a thrilling finale.
Neelix smiles while holding a spoon from Star Trek: Voyager.
Despite gaining some extra episodes, Voyager season 2 faced consequences due to the scheduling problems. The rearrangement of episodes from season 1 to season 2 resulted in continuity issues, such as the length of Samantha Wildman's pregnancy, creating unexpected plot holes. However, amidst these challenges, one unexpected outcome was the improvement in Neelix's character reputation.
Neelix's Character Rehabilitation
Neelix's early storylines in Star Trek: Voyager revolved around his relationship with Kes, particularly his intense jealousy over Kes's interactions with other male characters. This aspect of Neelix's character was one of his least appealing qualities, and combined with his over-the-top personality, it was poorly received by the audience. However, the rearrangement of episodes in season 2 played a crucial role in saving Neelix from becoming completely unlikable.
The decision to space out Neelix's appearances in episodes allowed for a more balanced portrayal of his character. If the episode order had followed the original plan, a back-to-back airing of certain episodes would have intensified Neelix's jealousy, potentially sabotaging his character entirely. Despite the challenges faced due to the scheduling issues, Voyager ultimately prevented Neelix from reaching a point of no return in terms of likability.
Rehabilitation and Later Seasons
Voyager took significant steps to rehabilitate Neelix's character in the later seasons. The show recognized that Neelix's relationship with Kes was detrimental to both characters, leading to a decision to move away from their romantic involvement. As a result, Neelix's character development and storylines improved significantly, allowing for a more satisfying portrayal of his personality and interactions with other characters.
Neelix stands with Dexa and her son after leaving Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager season 7.
Following Kes's departure in season 4, Neelix experienced substantial growth and transformation. His personality mellowed, and he engaged in more compelling storylines, such as his role as Naomi Wildman's godfather and his eventual departure from the show to be with Dexa. These developments provided Neelix with a much-needed grounding, making him a more interesting and likable character despite not being the show's biggest fan-favorite.