Hogwarts Legacy: Mastering the Art of Capturing Rare Shiny Beasts

Hogwarts Legacy: Mastering the Art of Capturing Rare Shiny Beasts

Discover the enchanting world of Hogwarts Legacy and learn the art of capturing elusive Shiny Beasts Unlock the secrets of these rare and captivating creatures, while overcoming potential obstacles along the way Immerse yourself in the magical journey like never before

How to get Shiny Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy

When exploring in Hogwarts Legacy, you may come across the rare variety of magical creatures known as Shiny Beasts or shiny animals. While most of the creatures you encounter are fairly common, it's worth keeping an eye out for those with unique coloration or patterns. Catching these elusive creatures for your Vivarium can be a challenge, and our Hogwarts Legacy Shiny Beasts guide will show you how to do it. Remember to also refer to our Vivarium guide, as it explains the general mechanics of this feature in the Room of Requirement.

In any case, your best bet if you want to find a Shiny Beast is to do the following:

Find a type of Beast that you want to capture and go to its den. Normally, you won't see a Shiny at all.

Capture a few of them, even if a Shiny is not present. For example, Puffskein and Mooncalf dens usually accommodate four or more animals. Once you have caught a few, access your map and press the designated button to alter the day-night cycle (such as the "F" key for PC players).

Then, save your game manually.

Click on Restart From Last Save.

Hogwarts Legacy: Mastering the Art of Capturing Rare Shiny Beasts

By utilizing the day-night cycle and employing the save-reload trick, players can effectively prompt the game to replenish an area with creatures that may have been missing. Consequently, there is a chance for the previously captured animals to reappear as Shiny Beasts.

What do Shiny Beasts look like?

To identify the Shiny Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy, certain indicators can be observed. Primarily, these creatures will possess a star icon on their nameplate, setting them apart from their regular counterparts. Additionally, their appearance deviates from the norm, often exhibiting a different coloration. For instance, while most Puffskeins typically exhibit hues of grey, brown, black, or red, the Shiny Puffskein dons a coat of white fur.

Hogwarts Legacy: Mastering the Art of Capturing Rare Shiny Beasts

To determine if an animal you have caught is a Shiny, you can check the Magical Beasts tab in your Inventory. Shiny Beasts can be identified by their unique coloration and a star icon, which indicates their rarity.

Potential problems

It is important to note that although it is possible to breed animals in the game, no Shiny variants of offspring have been discovered so far.

Additionally, it should be mentioned that the aforementioned method applies to all Beast Dens in Hogwarts Legacy. However, acquiring Shiny Beasts for the following types may prove to be challenging.

Unicorn - In the game, there is a single Unicorn Den where only one of these creatures spawns at a time. Fortunately, we were fortunate enough to capture a glimpse of it in the featured image. The Shiny variant of the Unicorn has a stunning golden brown hue.

Phoenix - The Phoenix that is available for taming is truly unique. Even if you were to revisit its cave, there will never be another spawn.

Graphorns do respawn in their den, but you must engage in battle with them before you can successfully capture one using your Nab-sack.

Hogwarts Legacy: Mastering the Art of Capturing Rare Shiny Beasts

Graphorns do respawn, but you need to engage in battle with each individual animal once again in order to capture it and trigger a variant reroll. Consequently, a Shiny version of this Magical Beast has yet to be seen.Hogwarts Legacy is being developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been mired in controversy due to transphobic remarks made by Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Despite her lack of personal involvement in the game's development, she stands to benefit financially from its success. To learn more, please refer to our comprehensive article examining the impact of Rowling's comments on the trans community. In this article, you will also discover links to support trans creators and charitable organizations to which you can contribute.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the prospect of capturing rare shiny beasts in Hogwarts Legacy. The idea of encountering unique and captivating creatures adds an extra layer of depth and excitement to the game. The challenge of finding and capturing these elusive beasts will surely keep me engaged and motivated as I explore the magical world of Hogwarts.

However, I am concerned about the ethical implications of capturing and keeping these creatures in captivity. While the game presents it as a fun and harmless activity, it raises questions about the treatment of animals and the balance between conservation and exploitation. I hope that the game will address these ethical concerns in a meaningful way and encourage players to consider the well-being of the magical creatures they encounter.