Hogwarts Legacy: A Comprehensive Guide to Transmogrification - Altering Apparel while Preserving Stats

Hogwarts Legacy: A Comprehensive Guide to Transmogrification - Altering Apparel while Preserving Stats

Unleash your style in Hogwarts Legacy with the ultimate Transmog Guide! Discover the secrets to transforming your attire while keeping your stats intact Dive into the enchanting world of transmogrification and revolutionize your gear's appearance!

How to use the transmog system in Hogwarts Legacy

The transmogrification feature in Hogwarts Legacy allows players to personalize various aspects of their character. Concerns about the appearance of the items they wear can be put to rest, as there is a way to completely change their designs. Our comprehensive Hogwarts Legacy transmog guide provides instructions on how to modify the look of your gear and outfits.

How to use the transmog system in Hogwarts Legacy

Transmogrification, also known as "transmog" or "xmog," is a common feature found in massively multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPGs). One notable example is World of Warcraft, which enables players to modify the appearance of their armor and weapons based on their previous acquisitions.

Hogwarts Legacy: A Comprehensive Guide to Transmogrification - Altering Apparel while Preserving Stats

Place your cursor over an equipped item and press the corresponding button to change its appearance.

Changing the appearance of gear

To utilize the transmog feature in Hogwarts Legacy, navigate to the Gear tab. Then, hover your cursor over any equipped item. Next, press the appropriate button to alter its visual presentation (F key for PCs, X button for Xbox consoles, and the square button for PlayStation systems).

This takes you to the alteration screen. You'll see a couple of rows here:

Collections refer to cosmetic additions, such as the Dark Arts Pack if you preordered the Deluxe Edition.

Regarding the Other row, those are the fundamental designs of the regular item drops you have obtained.

Feel free to customize them to give your character a more stylish appearance. Additionally, this feature allows you to sell most of your low-level or unwanted gear, regardless of their visual appeal. Rest assured, you will still retain their design, which can be applied to superior equipment.

Hogwarts Legacy: A Comprehensive Guide to Transmogrification - Altering Apparel while Preserving Stats

You'll have the option to choose from a variety of unlocked or acquired designs. Hogwarts Legacy is created by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has faced controversy due to transphobic remarks made by Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not directly involved in its development, she stands to benefit financially from its success. For more information, please refer to our comprehensive article on the impact of Rowling's comments on the transgender community. In this article, you will also discover links to support transgender creators and organizations that you can donate to.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am excited about the transmogrification feature in Hogwarts Legacy. It allows players to personalize their characters' appearance without sacrificing their stats. This is a great way to express our creativity and individuality. I also appreciate that the game includes a variety of designs to choose from, so we can create a truly unique look for our characters.

However, I am concerned about the controversy surrounding the game due to JK Rowling's transphobic remarks. Although she is not directly involved in the development of the game, she stands to benefit financially from its success. I believe it is important to be aware of this controversy and to support transgender creators and organizations.