Harry Potter Star Eyes Epic Return As Hogwarts' Esteemed Professor in Max Series

Harry Potter Star Eyes Epic Return As Hogwarts' Esteemed Professor in Max Series

Natalia Tena reveals her hopes of returning to the wizarding world as a Hogwarts professor in the upcoming Harry Potter Max Series The series promises to expand on the original book adaptation while paying tribute to the beloved movies

"I was a bit apprehensive about it at first, but then I thought, you know what, if it's good, it's good. And I'm excited to see what they do with it. And if they need a professor, I'm here."

And when I first heard about the HBO project, as an actor, there was that initial hesitation of "Oh no, not another remake." But as I learned more about it, my excitement grew and I truly believe it's going to be amazing. I even started thinking about the possibility of playing one of the teachers on the show. I'm definitely going to bring it up with my agent and see what we can do.

How The Harry Potter Max Series Can Expand The Original Book Adaptation While Paying Homage To The Movies

Harry Potter Star Eyes Epic Return As Hogwarts' Esteemed Professor in Max Series

While the original Harry Potter movies were unable to include every storyline from the novels, this provides an opportunity for the upcoming series to expand upon and explore the supporting characters and storylines that were previously pushed aside. However, some fans have expressed concern about rebooting the franchise so soon after the release of the final movie over a decade ago.

To successfully expand upon the Harry Potter books and incorporate new storylines, it's important that the series pays homage to the beloved movies that came before it. This can be achieved by maintaining some of the changes from the source material while also incorporating recognizable cast members in smaller cameo roles. By doing so, the new series can honor the original movies and excite fans with Easter eggs. Additionally, the series can draw upon elements from the Fantastic Beasts prequels to explore new dimensions of Dumbledore's backstory and flesh out characters and storylines that were previously overlooked in the films. However, it's crucial that any new content remains true to the spirit of the original fan base and feels authentic to the world created by J.K. Rowling.