Haiti forms transitional leadership council to address ongoing crisis

Haiti forms transitional leadership council to address ongoing crisis

In response to the current crisis, Haiti has set up a transitional council tasked with selecting the country's future leadership, as announced in an official decree released in Haiti's state publication.

A transitional council has been set up to select Haiti's next leaders, ending a period of uncertainty. This decision was made official through a decree published in Haiti's official state journal.

Following weeks of speculation, Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry stated that he will resign once the council is formed and appoints a new prime minister and cabinet.

The council, which consists of seven members with voting rights and two observers without voting rights, has the responsibility of selecting and appointing a new prime minister and an unbiased electoral council, as stated in the decree.

During this period, the council will have the authority to perform specific duties usually carried out by the president until a new president-elect is sworn in, which must be done before February 7, 2026.

The decree states that the council's mandate will come to an end on the specified date and cannot be extended.

According to a press release from the council, the members of the council are Fritz Alphonse Jean, Louis Gérald Gilles, Edgard Leblanc Fils, Emmanuel Vertilaire, Smith Augustin, Lesly Voltaire, Laurent Saint Cyr, Frinel Joseph, and Régine Abraham.

The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) expressed their approval in a statement released on Friday.

The statement mentioned, "The creation of the nine-member diverse, politically inclusive Council indicates the potential for a fresh start for Haiti."

CARICOM has highlighted that a top priority for the newly established council is to promptly tackle the security issues in the region.

The organization, in collaboration with Haiti, recently established a framework for the transitional council. Despite facing obstacles, CARICOM has expressed its commitment to assisting Haiti as it navigates towards shaping its future.

Editor's P/S:

The establishment of a transitional council in Haiti marks a crucial step towards stabilizing the country after a tumultuous period. The council's mandate to appoint a new prime minister and electoral council, as well as its authority to perform presidential duties until a new president is elected, provides a much-needed roadmap for Haiti's future. The inclusion of diverse political and civil society representatives on the council ensures a broad range of perspectives and fosters inclusivity.

CARICOM's endorsement of the council is a testament to the international community's recognition of the importance of Haiti's transition. The organization's emphasis on addressing security issues highlights the urgent need to restore law and order in the country. CARICOM's commitment to supporting Haiti's journey towards stability demonstrates the region's solidarity and its unwavering belief in the Haitian people's resilience.