Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Secret Behind Missing the New Year’s Eve Chiefs Game Revealed

Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Secret Behind Missing the New Year’s Eve Chiefs Game Revealed

Discover the untold story behind Gypsy Rose Blanchard's absence at the New Year's Eve Chiefs game and why she didn't meet Taylor Swift. Dive into 'Life After Lock Up' for the revealing details.

Gypsy Rose Blanchards Life After Lock Up Reveals Why She Skipped New Years Eve Chiefs Game

Gypsy Rose Blanchards Life After Lock Up Reveals Why She Skipped New Years Eve Chiefs Game

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Phillip Faraone/Getty Images

Gypsy Rose Blanchard didn't get to meet Taylor Swift after getting out of prison, even though she had hoped to. The reason she missed out on attending a Kansas City Chiefs game after being released from prison in December 2023 was due to problems with her parole officers in Missouri and Louisiana.

During a phone call recorded for the first episode of Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up, her Missouri PO asked, "We got a notification that you’re going to a Chiefs game this weekend is that correct?" The episode premiered on Monday, June 3.

Gypsy shared that her plan was to "stay a few days in Kansas City" after being released from jail just before the 2023 holiday season. She mentioned to TMZ that she was looking forward to the New Year's Eve game in hopes of running into Taylor Swift, who is dating Chiefs player Travis Kelce. Gypsy had spent seven years in prison for a second-degree murder charge related to the 2015 death of her mother Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard, who had allegedly abused her.

Gypsy was on the phone in the car with her then-husband Ryan Scott Anderson, explaining that she had already gotten approval from her parole officer in Louisiana for attending the football game.

Gypsy Rose Blanchards Life After Lock Up Reveals Why She Skipped New Years Eve Chiefs Game

Gypsy Rose Blanchards Life After Lock Up Reveals Why She Skipped New Years Eve Chiefs Game

The Missouri PO initially said that Gypsy needed to provide a "departure notice" after the holidays. However, he later called back to say that her stay in Kansas City was not approved.

The PO informed Gypsy that she does not have permission to attend a Kansas City Chiefs game this weekend. She must travel directly from Missouri to Louisiana without making any stops in Kansas City. It was a directive given to her immediately.

After meeting her family and lawyer Mike Stanfield, Gypsy received a call from her Louisiana PO. He reassured her that she will not be penalized for not reporting straightaway. He advised her to keep a low profile during this time.

After the media attention on Gypsy's prison release, the situation seemed to get worse.

Gypsy received another call from the Missouri PO, instructing her to leave the state immediately. This led to a small breakdown, with Gypsy worrying about being sent back, as she cried during the call.

Gypsy expressed her hopes for a good day and her desire to have a positive experience along with everyone else. She also mentioned her commitment to following the rules of her parole, feeling unsure about why she has to stand out. She described her release as a significant culture shock.

Don't miss the new episodes of Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up airing on Lifetime at 9 p.m. ET on Mondays.

Editor's P/S:

Gypsy Rose