GTA 6 Trailer Sparks Unprecedented 37,000% Surge in Tom Petty Song on Spotify

GTA 6 Trailer Sparks Unprecedented 37,000% Surge in Tom Petty Song on Spotify

Following the release of the highly anticipated GTA 6 trailer, the song Love Is A Long Road by Tom Petty experienced an astonishing surge of 37,000% on Spotify, captivating a multitude of listeners with its timeless appeal

The announcement trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 featured the 1989 Tom Petty song "Love Is A Long Road," which has led to a significant increase in streams on Spotify. According to IGN, Spotify reported a 36,979% surge in streams for the song compared to the previous week. This does not account for the rise in streams on other music platforms or the potential increase in song and album purchases.

Petty passed away in 2017. His estate expressed gratitude on social media for Rockstar's use of "Love Is A Long Road" in the GTA 6 trailer, calling it an "honor." This wasn't the first time a Petty song was featured in a GTA game, as "Running' Down A Dream" was included in GTA: San Andreas.

Rockstar has a history of incorporating hidden clues in its trailers, leading many to speculate about the possible significance of "Love Is A Long Road" in GTA 6. The song's lyrics reference a woman's efforts to "make the world as it should be," which some fans interpret as a nod to the main character, Lucia. Additionally, the lyrics allude to giving her "one more chance to try and save my soul," sparking connections to the perceived romantic relationship between Lucia and the other main character.

The setting of GTA 6 is the fictional state of Leonida, which is inspired by Florida. The song works well in the game as Petty was born in Gainesville, Florida in 1950. This is not uncommon in video games, as seen with Linda Rondstadt's "Long Long Time" and Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" gaining popularity after being featured in other media.

The trailer for GTA 6 was originally scheduled to debut on December 5, but Rockstar released it a night early due to a leak. The impressive trailer offered a first glimpse of Leonida and Vice City, which serves as a substitute for Miami, while also setting the tone and mood for what's to come. There are still many mysteries surrounding GTA 6, and more information should come to light in the lead-up to the game's launch in 2025 on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of the Grand Theft Auto series, I was thrilled to finally see the trailer for GTA 6. The game looks amazing, and I can't wait to explore the new setting and characters. I was also excited to hear that the trailer featured a song by Tom Petty, one of my favorite artists. The song, "Love Is A Long Road," is a perfect fit for the game, and it's great to see that Rockstar is continuing to use classic rock songs in its trailers.

The surge in popularity of "Love Is A Long Road" on Spotify is a testament to the power of video games to influence popular culture. The game's trailer has been viewed millions of times, and it's clear that many people are discovering Tom Petty's music for the first time. I'm glad that Rockstar is using its platform to introduce new audiences to great music.