Greg Kinnear Shares Unexpected Favorite Project in Exclusive Interview

Greg Kinnear Shares Unexpected Favorite Project in Exclusive Interview

During an exclusive interview, Greg Kinnear opens up about his surprising choice for a favorite project from his past works. Find out which film holds a special place in his heart as he reveals his top pick in this candid conversation.

Greg Kinnear has had a successful career as an actor, starting with his role as the first host of Talk Soup, appearances in Friends, and leading roles in various movies. Despite his many accomplishments, he finds it difficult to choose a favorite project.

During an interview, the 60-year-old actor reflected on his past work and shared which project held the most significance for him. He mentioned a lesser-known film called Flash of Genius, where he played the role of Bob Kerns, the inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper. Although not widely seen, Kinnear expressed his fondness for this particular movie.

He joked that no one was interested in watching a movie about windshield wipers.

Another notable film is 1997's As Good As It Gets, which starred Jack Nicholson. Kinnear reflected on his experience, mentioning the amazing cast and his desire for a sequel. However, he acknowledged that director James L. Brooks made the right decision in not pursuing another film.

Kinnear doesn't dwell on the past, admitting, "I generally don’t often think I should have painted the fence differently [even if] sometimes I say, ‘Eh, should I have made that fence?’" However, there are other films that he holds dear to his heart.

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"I just saw the directors John and Val, and Abigail Breslin at a Searchlight screening for Little Miss Sunshine. It was great catching up with everyone from the movie."

Kinnear is proud to be part of the film Sight, which tells the inspiring true story of Dr. Ming Wang, played by Terry Chen. Despite initially hesitating due to the pandemic, Kinnear found the script captivating and couldn't stop reading it.

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Ben Affleck Still Wearing Wedding Ring During Solo Outing as Jennifer Lopez Attends Atlas Premiere 377

Kinnear found Dr. Wang's story to be inspiring. Dr. Wang survived the Chinese cultural revolution and made his way to MIT with only a few dollars in his pocket. Kinnear thought it was a fascinating journey of a Chinese American immigrant.

In the film, Kinnear plays Misha Bartnovsky, Dr. Wang’s right-hand man who encourages him to keep pushing forward in the medical field. He described their friendship dynamic as him being like Tony Robbins, motivating and supporting Dr. Wang despite the challenges. In a romantic comedy, he would be the friend cheering the protagonist on, but in this story, he plays a similar role of a supportive friend trying his best to help.

As a father of three, Kinnear faced the challenge of balancing his emotions while dealing with heavy material, such as the heartbreaking story of Kajal, a young girl who lost her sight after an acid attack. Kinnear found having the real Dr. Wang on set to guide the cast through these scenes to be invaluable. He shared that Dr. Wang was a great resource, providing insight and setting the tone for the importance of the scenes, giving the actors a clear understanding of the significance of the story.


Kinnear admits the film put “everything” into perspective during a tumultuous time — and he hopes viewers take away the same message, adding, “I thought it was really inspiring.”

Sight is now in theaters.

Editor's P/S:

Greg Kinnear's reflections on his career showcase his humility and appreciation for the diverse projects he has been involved in. Despite his success, he remains grounded and acknowledges that each role holds its own significance. Kinnear's fondness for lesser-known films like "Flash of Genius" highlights his passion for storytelling and his ability to find value in projects that may not receive widespread recognition.

The article also touches upon Kinnear's involvement in "Sight," a film that explores the inspiring true story of Dr. Ming Wang. Kinnear's portrayal of Dr. Wang's right-hand man reflects his dedication to portraying characters who embody resilience and determination. The film's themes of overcoming adversity and the power of friendship resonate with Kinnear on a personal level, and his commitment to authenticity is evident in his preparation and performance.