Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Unveiling the highly anticipated return of Good Omens, Season 3 brings back a powerful ensemble Brace yourself as Aziraphale, Crowley, God, Satan, Jesus, Adam Young, The Metatron, Michael, Shax, and The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse make a thrilling comeback

This article contains spoilers for the explosive finale of Good Omens season 2. Following Aziraphale's new role in Heaven, helping to oversee "the second coming," there have been suggestions that season 3 will see the return of many previous characters. In the heartbreaking conclusion of season 2, Aziraphale and Crowley are separated, and the Metatron reveals that Heaven is once again planning apocalyptic events. As a result, season 1 characters involved in the Armageddon may make a comeback for round 2, along with the core cast of Good Omens and some new additions from season 2.

10 Aziraphale

After joining forces in Good Omens, demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale successfully prevented the apocalypse in season 1. This was made possible by the intervention of Adam Young, the Antichrist, who initially ignited the catastrophe but then decided against it. Although the event drew inspiration from the biblical prophecies in Revelations and featured the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Jesus did not appear before the world's annihilation was averted. The subtle hint of a "second coming" implies that the upcoming season 3 might present a different scenario for Judgment Day.

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Aziraphale, portrayed by Michael Sheen, is an angel who has spent countless millennia on Earth. During this time, he developed a close friendship and possibly romantic feelings for Crowley. His attachment to the mortal realm is so strong that he refuses to let it come to an end in season 1. However, in season 3, everything might change for Aziraphale. He has been selected by the Metatron to assume a senior position in Heaven due to his extensive knowledge of Earthly affairs. This promotion sets him up to play a significant role in directing the second coming in season 3. It remains to be seen whether Aziraphale will remain steadfast in his new position or if he will be swayed back to Crowley's side due to doubts and uncertainties.

9 Crowley

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

8 God

In season 2, Crowley (David Tennant), who is often described as a demon who casually descends downwards, chooses to defy Hell and remain on Earth with Aziraphale. However, his trust is shattered when Aziraphale abandons him to take his place in Heaven. Just like in season 1, Crowley is expected to play a crucial role in trying to prevent the events described in Revelations from unfolding in season 3. His preference is for things to remain unchanged, allowing him to be left alone by both Heaven and Hell. This time, however, navigating the situation without Aziraphale will prove to be more challenging.

7 Satan

In season 2 of Good Omens, God appeared mainly as a narrator, voiced by Frances McDormand. Characters in the show only communicated with them through The Metatron. Although this narrative approach was not carried on, God made a cameo in season 2 during a flashback involving Crowley and Aziraphale helping Job. The focus of season 2 revolved more around the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale, as well as the mystery surrounding Gabriel's hidden memories. However, in season 3, the Biblical drama takes center stage once again, and God will play a significant role in the unfolding events.

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Satan briefly appeared in season 1 alongside his son, Adam Young, who successfully prevented him from triggering the apocalypse by altering reality. Specifically, Adam redefined his human father as his true father, causing Satan to vanish. However, the upcoming second coming depicted in the Bible will introduce a climactic showdown between Jesus and Satan in season 3. This pivotal event promises to deliver a breathtaking and visually stunning battle scene featuring Satan. Unfortunately for Crowley, he has thus far managed to evade his formidable and frightening superior in the series.

6 Jesus

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

5 Adam Young

In season 1, Jesus only had a brief appearance. During a flashback, Crowley and Aziraphale witness his crucifixion, with Crowley questioning his own actions and Aziraphale explaining that Jesus simply preached kindness to others. However, in season 3, the second coming of Jesus suggests a much more prominent role. In contrast to the apocalypse caused by Satan's son, the Antichrist, this time Jesus will return to Earth to lead a battle against the forces of Hell. This opens up the opportunity for the show to delve deeper into significant themes surrounding religion, morality, and humanity.

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Adam Young, a boy who enjoyed a peaceful life in the serene English countryside, emerged as a significant figure in season 1 as the long-awaited Antichrist sought by Crowley and Aziraphale. However, following his alteration of reality and successful prevention of Armageddon in the season's finale, Adam's prominence waned, leading to his absence from the screens in season 2. While the arrival of season 3 signifies the second coming of Jesus, it is possible for Adam Young to make a comeback, this time as a young adult, if he is summoned to partake in the upcoming battle by the sinister forces of Hell – regardless of whether Satan remains his true progenitor.

4 The Metatron

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

The Metatron (portrayed by Derek Jacobi) assumes the role of the divine voice, serving as the conduit for God's messages. However, he appears to possess his own distinct identity, as evidenced by the angels' fear-stricken reactions when he manifested in human form during the finale of season 2. Operating as the angel closest to God, the Metatron plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the much-anticipated second coming. During the second season, he assigned Aziraphale to contribute to this grand scheme, which implies that Aziraphale and his angelic counterparts will be answerable to the Metatron in the upcoming season 3. If Crowley and Aziraphale endeavor to halt the impending cataclysmic events, they will undoubtedly face the formidable might of the Metatron.

3 Michael

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

The Book of Revelations identifies Michael as the angel tasked with driving away a dragon symbolizing Satan, marking the onset of Judgment Day. In Good Omens, however, Michael's reputation takes a nosedive in the eyes of Metatron and God as they hold her responsible for botching the mission to locate Gabriel, resulting in Aziraphale being selected for a more prominent role in the second coming. Nonetheless, Michael remains a recurring character in Good Omens and holds significant importance in the biblical narrative of the second coming. While her role may be less prominent than anticipated, she is undoubtedly part of Heaven's plans.

2 Shax

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

Despite the chaotic and unsuccessful attempt by Shax (Miranda Richardson) to storm Aziraphale's bookshop and find Gabriel in season 2, the demon is now set to take on a significantly more important position in Hell. Shax made her debut in Good Omens during season 2, initially portrayed as an incompetent and self-important character. However, an unexpected opportunity arose when Beelzebub resigned from the role of Grand Duke of Hell to be with the angel Gabriel. As a result, Shax was offered the position with the condition that she would allow Beelzebub and Gabriel to depart without repercussions. Thus, Shax will play a pivotal role in guiding Hell's actions in the impending battle.

1 The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

Good Omens Season 3 Unveils a Spectacular Revival with 10 Beloved Characters

The Horsemen, known for their iconic presence, took on new forms in season 1 of Good Omens. War assumed the role of a war correspondent, Famine became the founder of a food company, Pollution replaced Pestilence, and Death emerged as a mysterious figure resembling the Grim Reaper. Although Adam Young and his friends managed to overcome the Horsemen in the thrilling finale of season 1, wielding the flaming sword and affirming their belief in the ideals the Horsemen sought to obliterate, they were unable to vanquish Death. For the Horsemen to initiate another apocalyptic event, they must make a comeback, and this time, they are likely to be more menacing than ever.