Global Impact: Biden's Triumphs & Turmoil in a Pivotal Week

Global Impact: Biden's Triumphs & Turmoil in a Pivotal Week

President Joe Biden's diplomatic strategies amid the Israel-Ukraine crises are commendable, positioning him well for his upcoming second presidential campaign A promising week for Biden, but its global ramifications may raise concerns

David Mark, a political journalist, author, and public speaker, has written books on negative campaigning and decoding political speech. The opinions expressed in this article are his own. Visit CNN for more opinions.

Recent Democratic presidents have chosen to prioritize their day-to-day responsibilities rather than focusing solely on campaigning for reelection. President Bill Clinton, during his successful reelection campaign in 1996, dedicated his time to negotiating legislative deals with a Republican-majority Congress. Similarly, President Barack Obama, in late October 2012, temporarily suspended his campaign efforts to lead the federal response to Hurricane Sandy, ultimately securing a victory in the election.

Global Impact: Biden's Triumphs & Turmoil in a Pivotal Week

David Mark

President Joe Biden is leveraging two international crises to his advantage in the lead-up to Election Day 2024. Shortly after visiting Ukraine during wartime, he made a quick trip to Tel Aviv and then appealed to American voters to support both Israel and Ukraine in their battles against evil forces. This strategic approach has enabled Biden to portray himself as a statesman and gain political benefits.

Bidens efforts are particularly notable considering his potential Republican opponent in the 2024 election, former President Donald Trump, has been awkward and ineffective in his attempts to involve himself in these news events. For instance, Trump praised Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terrorist group based in Lebanon, following the Hamas attack on Israel. Meanwhile, the Republicans currently in office are experiencing turmoil, as a leadership struggle in the House has brought Capitol Hill to a standstill.

In contrast, Biden appears capable and unwavering. Over the course of 20 months, he has staunchly supported Ukraine in its defensive war against Russia. Additionally, for almost two weeks, Biden has shown unwavering support for Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, in response to the October 7 attacks by Hamas that resulted in the loss of approximately 1,400 lives, including 32 Americans. During his televised address, Biden highlighted that his recent visit to Israel was the first by an American president during wartime. Furthermore, his visit to Ukraine in February marked the first time a US president had entered a warzone not under US control.

Whatever impact they may have on the diplomatic arena, Biden's visit to Israel and his prime time television address on Thursday evening can only bolster his reelection campaign at this stage, particularly if he confronts Trump. Both events showcase a self-assured and experienced commander-in-chief projecting an air of seriousness and displaying profound knowledge of history. Furthermore, they highlight Biden's longstanding history of official visits to Israel, reaching as far back as 1973 when he was a freshman senator from Delaware.

Global Impact: Biden's Triumphs & Turmoil in a Pivotal Week

President Joe Biden speaks as he meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, in Tel Aviv. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Evan Vucci/AP

Title: The Cost of Biden's Visit to Israel

Amidst widespread backlash accusing Biden of favoring Israel at the expense of the Palestinians, he undertook a lengthy journey to visit the country. However, his plans to meet with Arab allies were met with rejections, while protests organized by Muslim demonstrators have erupted in various cities globally, challenging Israel's actions and its support from the United States.

While some critics argue that Biden's Israel visit was not particularly productive, during his approximately seven-and-a-half-hour stay on Wednesday, he achieved his main objectives. Biden reassured the Israeli public of his support against terrorism, providing them with strength and the opportunity to demand concessions. Additionally, he successfully arranged a limited plan to deliver humanitarian aid from Egypt to Gaza for the civilians trapped there, potentially setting a precedent for future aid efforts.

However, Biden's primary focus was on the domestic audience, aiming to win over the American public and specifically the pro-Israel community. This explains the political significance of the images showing Biden embracing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Furthermore, this Middle East trip served as a direct response to Republican criticisms suggesting that Biden is too old for a second term. It is worth noting that the convenience of traveling on Air Force One for the 12-hour flight from Washington, DC to Tel Aviv is a stark contrast to an economy seat on El Al.

Some Republicans grudgingly praised Biden's Israel trip, noting its urgency in diplomacy. This sharply contrasts with the House Republicans' internal conflicts in Washington, where the inability to select a speaker from within their own party prevents any action to support the war effort. Republican Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee even went as far as to label Biden's trip as a "gutsy, bold move."


Members of Glasgow's Jewish community come together on Buchanan Street to hold a vigil commemorating the victims of Hamas militants in Israel. The poignant event took place on October 11, 2023, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Biden received praise from conservatives for his television address, in which he urged Americans to support the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. He also mentioned his intention to send a $100 billion aid package to Congress, highlighting the United States' dedication to its global leadership role and the values it has long advocated.

"It could be hailed as one of the most memorable speeches of his presidency, if not the most remarkable. Fox News political analyst Brit Hume offered rare praise, describing Biden as firm, unequivocal, and strong.

However, several prominent conservatives, including 2024 Republican presidential candidates Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, expressed criticism towards the Democratic president's trip. Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham went so far as to mock Biden, claiming he mumbled, read from note cards, and referred to Hamas as the opposing team in a tweet on X, formerly known as Twitter."

Biden has faced criticism from some Democrats, with the party's far-left fringe effectively blaming Israel for defensive military actions against Hamas in Gaza, resulting in the highest Jewish casualty count since the Holocaust. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has also made strides in challenging the overall support for Israel. Over the years, Democratic support for Israel has been declining, as shown by Gallup. Additionally, a majority of Democrats, as per a CBS News poll, do not support providing extra weapons and supplies to Israel currently.

However, from a broader perspective, Biden is benefitting from a strong political position. There is overwhelming support for sending humanitarian aid to Israel, and a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University indicates that approximately 61% of respondents sympathize with Israel. Furthermore, an even larger percentage of voters, around 65%, agree with Biden's stance that supporting Ukraine is in America's national interest.

Given the overall assessment, it is expected that Biden's firm backing of Israel will have a positive impact, particularly in terms of bolstering his moderate reputation. Winning the support of swing voters is crucial for Biden's reelection bid in 2024. However, there is currently insufficient evidence to suggest that progressive groups will turn against him due to his support for Israel, even if Trump becomes the Republican nominee for the 2024 election.

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The foreign policy actions have the potential to win over voters in swing states if they view it as a push against the extreme elements of his party, similar to some pro-Israel Democratic members of Congress. This strategy has been successfully employed by past Democratic presidents like Clinton and Obama during their reelection campaigns. Clinton compromised with the Republican Congress on issues such as welfare reform and the Defense of Marriage Act, while Obama emphasized spending austerity, deficit reduction, and the extension of Bush-era tax cuts in his 2012 campaign.

Currently, voters are giving Biden positive ratings for his handling of Israel and Ukraine. However, he faces the challenge of maintaining this support over the course of a year, as historical trends show that presidential elections since the end of the Cold War have mostly been influenced by domestic issues rather than foreign affairs. Additionally, the situation is volatile, and Biden risks negative perceptions if the suffering in Gaza escalates, a larger conflict erupts, American forces are killed, there are terror attacks on American soil, or other negative events occur. Nevertheless, Biden is currently demonstrating an important aspect of his role, just like Clinton and Obama did before him - the ability to be presidential.