George Lucas Imparts a Crucial Tip to Dave Filoni for The Mandalorian

George Lucas Imparts a Crucial Tip to Dave Filoni for The Mandalorian

George Lucas shares his wisdom on storytelling during his visit to The Mandalorian set, leaving a lasting impression on Dave Filoni as they discuss the best ways to craft Star Wars narratives

Despite being the legendary creator of one of the most successful franchises in history, George Lucas now wields significantly less influence over Star Wars than he once did. Nevertheless, even with his diminished role, the creator still manages to make his opinions heard when they are deemed important, as Dave Filoni discovered while working on The Mandalorian.

Although Lucas is often associated with the original Star Wars trilogy, his involvement was actually much greater with the prequel trilogy, which was released twenty years after the initial three movies. Lucas not only wrote and directed Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope but also wrote The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. By contrast, Lucas both wrote and directed The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and The Revenge of the Sith. Yet, since the release of Revenge of the Sith, Lucas' involvement has gradually diminished. In 2012, he announced that he would no longer be making Star Wars films, and later that year, Disney purchased the rights to the franchise and began work on the sequel trilogy. Since 2012, the Star Wars universe has experienced significant expansion, and while Lucas has not directly worked on any of the projects, he has made efforts to remain involved whenever possible.

During the production of The Mandalorian, Lucas paid a visit to the set and, as recalled by Jon Favreau, provided series creator Dave Filoni with a few critiques. In an interview with Empire Magazine, Favreau disclosed that Lucas expressed his thoughts on the shooting process. "George [Lucas] would stride in like a martial-arts teacher... How many set-ups did you capture? You need to pick up the pace!" Favreau shared. He made it clear that Lucas' remarks stemmed from a place of respect. "He would playfully and affectionately tease Dave [Filoni]," Favreau stated. "He holds immense care and respect for Dave. I believe he views Dave's creative journey as an extension of their relationship."

George Lucas Imparts a Crucial Tip to Dave Filoni for The Mandalorian

Despite concerns from Lucas, The Mandalorian has become one of the most successful projects in Star Wars history. While its third season received mixed reviews, the show has paved the way for other character-driven stories like The Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka. Criticisms of the show have not diminished its overall quality, unlike the reception of the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

Although Star Wars has continued without his direct involvement, it is undeniable that Lucas and the team behind the original trilogy played a significant role in the franchise's success. Whether Lucas will choose to re-engage with the franchise remains uncertain, but currently, it seems unlikely. However, there is always a possibility that the creator may return in the future to breathe life into another one of his ideas.

The Mandalorian seasons 1-3- are available to stream now on Disney Plus.

Source: Empire Magazine (via The Direct)