Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Game of Thrones: 15 Unforgettable Quotes - Relive the epic moments with these iconic lines that captured the hearts of fans and left a lasting impression long after the series finale (248 characters)


House Stark: The iconic motto of House Stark warns of the impending hardships of winter and the looming threat of the Long Night.

Arya's formidable phrase, learned from Syrio Forel, showcases her unwavering resolve to conquer death and surmount every challenge.

Tywin's sharp comment showcases his astuteness and dominion, dismissing individuals who depend on hollow titles to establish their influence.

Game of Thrones has achieved unprecedented levels of popularity, success, and critical acclaim, unrivaled by any other television show in history. This can largely be attributed to its exceptional world-building, stellar casting choices, and delightful character portrayals, all while maintaining some fidelity to the original work of George R.R. Martin.

Despite the dissatisfaction with its final season, Game of Thrones has become renowned for its witty and unforgettable one-liners and quotes, leaving a lasting impact on viewers even long after they have finished watching the series. Presenting the most iconic quotes from HBO's Game of Thrones.

Updated August 7, 2023 by Joe Grantham: Game of Thrones, a drama spanning eight seasons, is renowned for its abundance of memorable quotes. These quotes, ranging from witty remarks to poignant observations on the harsh realities of life, have become iconic in modern popular culture. Although some of the quotes originate from the show itself, particularly in its later seasons, many of the most memorable one-liners stem from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series.

15 "Winter Is Coming." - House Stark

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

There is no denying that "Winter is coming," the profound motto of House Stark, stands out as one of the most famous and frequently quoted phrases from Game of Thrones. Unlike other Houses that boast about their power or honor, House Stark serves as a harbinger of the impending hardships of not only winter but also an even more dreadful destiny.

At its core, "Winter is coming" alludes to the constant looming danger of the Long Night and the Others. While the rest of the realm becomes entangled in their political schemes, they tend to overlook these imminent threats.

14 "Not Today." - Arya Stark

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Although Arya is the one who technically delivers the phrase "Not today," it is Syrio Forel, the former First Sword of Braavos, who teaches it to her. The most significant and memorable instance of the phrase occurs when Syrio sacrifices himself to protect Arya and asks her, "What do we say to the God of Death?"

The profundity of the quote lies in its focus on Arya's survival, while the ultimate fate of Syrio Forel remains uncertain in both the show and the books. Against all odds, Syrio Forel might have defied death as well.

13 "Any Man Who Must Say 'I Am The King,' Is No True King." - Tywin Lannister

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Tywin Lannister commands respect with his few words; his wisdom captures the undivided attention of everyone in the room. One of Tywin's notable quotes stands as a firm rejection of his grandson, the despised antagonist King Joffrey, as he declares, "A true King needs not announce himself with mere words."

The calmness with which Tywin tells Joffrey that he is no true King is something that only he could pull off and shows that it is he who truly holds the power.

12 "The Lannisters Send Their Regards." - Roose Bolton

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

The Red Wedding episode is legendary in the world of television, leaving a lasting impact on viewers and leaving first-time watchers completely stunned. The mention of "The Lannisters send their regards," uttered by Roose Bolton as he fatally wounds Robb Stark, has become synonymous with this infamous event.

The line, although simple, carries profound implications. Its innocuous nature, if taken out of its original context, only further highlights its harshness. This line gains even more significance when Jaime Lannister, recently released from captivity, apologizes to Roose Bolton by saying, "Tell Robb Stark I'm sorry I couldn't make his Uncle's wedding."

11 "I'm Going To Have To Eat Every Chicken In This Room." - Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane

Sandor Clegane experienced a tumultuous journey in Game of Thrones, enduring constant torment inflicted by his brother since a tender age and suffering devastating facial burns that instilled within him an overwhelming fear of fire. As fate would have it, he unexpectedly became Arya Stark's guardian, their paths intertwining on their arduous expedition.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

The Hound is known for his memorable quotes and clever one-liners. One of his funniest quotes occurs when he and Arya stop at an inn. During a heated discussion about King Joffrey, The Hound humorously remarks that all the talking has left him feeling hungry and thirsty. In response, a patron asks The Hound if he would be willing to die for some chickens. The Hound then menacingly warns that someone will indeed meet a deadly fate, before mercilessly slaughtering everyone in his path.

10 "Tell Cersei. I Want Her To Know It Was Me." - Olenna Tyrell

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

This final line from Olenna Tyrell will be remembered as one of the most memorable in history. The enigma surrounding Joffrey's murder at his wedding had been widely discussed, but Lady Olenna's concluding scene finally revealed the truth.

9 "The Things I Do For Love." - Jaime Lannister

In Season 7, Lady Olenna took responsibility for her crime. Jaime defied Cersei's desire for a prolonged demise and instead bestowed upon her a quick-acting poison as an act of mercy. However, before her demise, the Queen of Thorns cleverly solidified her moniker by delivering a final cutting remark regarding Joffrey.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Jaime Lannister immediately established himself as one of the most merciless characters in the series, perfectly encapsulated by this statement. Jaime declared, "the actions I take in the name of love," as he callously propelled Bran Stark out of the tower window upon discovering Bran's accidental unearthing of his forbidden romantic involvement with his own twin sister, Cersei.

Of course, Bran endured the fall, but ended up paralyzed. When Season 8 reunites Jaime and Bran, Bran makes a poignant remark to Jaime, uttering, "The things I do for love," as a nod to their initial encounter.

8 "First Lesson - Stick 'Em With The Pointy End." - Jon Snow

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Jon Snow was the solitary member of House Stark who truly recognized and supported Arya's aspirations. She struggled to meet the conventional societal norms for girls her age and struggled with expressing femininity.

7 "That's What I Do. I Drink And I Know Things." - Tyrion Lannister

: However, Arya had different aspirations - she longed to become a skilled warrior. Recognizing her determination, Jon bestowed upon her a finely crafted Valyrian Steel blade known as Needle. This precious gift came with a vital piece of advice: "stab them with the sharp point," a mantra that resonated with Arya throughout her remarkable odyssey.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Tyrion Lannister, a cherished character adored by fans of Game of Thrones, is renowned for his sharp intellect. With his ability to offer valuable counsel and impart words of wisdom, he proves to be an invaluable ally.

In subsequent seasons,

6 "Chaos Isn't A Pit. Chaos Is A Ladder." - Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish

assumes the role of Daenerys's Hand of the Queen. During his time in Meereen, he conveys to Missandei that dragons are not suited for confinement. When questioned about his knowledge, he humorously responds with his trademark phrase: "That's my expertise. I enjoy imbibing and acquiring knowledge."

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Petyr Baelish, a cunning figure in the Game of Thrones, learned early on in his life that his low-born status necessitated a ruthless approach to achieve success and ascend the hierarchy of society. Through his treacherous acts, he manipulated numerous individuals, ultimately inciting the devastating War of the Five Kings.

5 "You Know Nothing, Jon Snow." - Ygritte

In Season 3, Varys and Littlefinger engaged in a confrontation regarding Littlefinger's cunning schemes. In response, Littlefinger famously coined the phrase "Chaos is a ladder." This quote effectively captures Littlefinger's approach, in which he perceives chaos as a means for advancement rather than an obstacle to his achievements.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

During his expeditions beyond The Wall with the Night's Watch, Jon Snow came across Ygritte. They initially developed a turbulent bond that ultimately evolved into a romantic relationship. Ygritte consistently playfully mocked Jon for his lack of knowledge and limited exposure to the world.

The pair inevitably part ways due to their contrasting morals and loyalties. Upon the Freefolk's assault on the Wall and Castle Black, they unexpectedly cross paths once more. In the critical moment, she hesitates while aiming at Jon and becomes a target herself, getting shot. As she slowly succumbs to her injuries, Jon attempts to provide comfort. In her final moments, she responds with her iconic quote, "you know nothing, Jon Snow," before passing away in his embrace.

4 "I'm Not Going To Stop The Wheel. I'm Going To Break The Wheel." - Daenerys Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Daenerys emerged as a symbol of female empowerment, her rise resembling that of a mythical phoenix from the fiery remnants of Khal Drogo's funeral pyre. With her trio of newborn dragons, she embodied a tangible manifestation of her inner strength. Spanning the narrow seas, she embarked on a quest to liberate numerous enslaved cities and assembled a mighty army.

Despite facing injustice at every turn and witnessing the rich and powerful exploiting the poor and vulnerable, Daenerys knew the importance of obtaining support from other Houses in order to conquer Westeros. However, she had no intention of simply stopping the cycle of oppression; she aimed to completely shatter it. Her vision entailed revolutionizing Westeros and establishing a new world order. Sadly, she never had the opportunity to fulfill this ambitious goal.

3 "When You Play The Game Of Thrones, You Win Or You Die." - Cersei Lannister

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Cersei effortlessly portrayed her ruthless nature throughout Game of Thrones, displaying a complete lack of mercy towards anyone obstructing her path. Despite her unwavering affection for her children, she showcased no vulnerabilities, instead harshly condemning and manipulating those who exhibited any.

2 "If You Think This Has A Happy Ending, You Haven't Been Paying Attention." - Ramsay Bolton

Cersei's quote perfectly encapsulates the show's ruthless nature, emphasizing the blurred distinction between victory and defeat without any room for compromise. It implies that in order to claim the throne, one must be willing to go to any lengths, regardless of the sacrifices or repercussions, a mantra Cersei adhered to during her journey on Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

Game of Thrones captivates its audience by presenting a world that refuses to conform to the conventional expectations of a fantasy series. Instead of relying on predictable happy endings, the show dares to incorporate harsh realities, imparting wisdom through its depiction of brutality, gratuitous violence, and the heartbreaking demise of beloved characters.

1 "Dracarys." - Daenerys Targaryen

: Ramsay Bolton, portrayed as the most sadistic individual in the series, ominously hints at the show's ultimate outcome. As Ramsay mercilessly torments his captive, Theon Greyjoy, he chillingly utters, "Should you believe this tale concludes joyfully, it appears you have overlooked crucial details," effectively setting the stage for an inevitable and tragic twist of fate.

Game of Thrones: Unforgettable Quotes That Still Resonate

With her powerful dragons and the ancient blood of Valyria flowing through her, Daenerys was a force to be reckoned with. Using her native mother tongue, she effortlessly controlled her dragons, catching her adversaries off guard and commanding them to do her bidding.

Every time Daenerys utters the Valyrian command "Dracarys," viewers are filled with a chilling sensation. This powerful command instructs her dragons to unleash their fiery breath upon their enemies. As a result, Daenerys and Drogon devastate King's Landing, showering the city with flames and causing the excruciating death of countless individuals.