Game-Changing Surprise: Apex Legends Secretly Revamps Hero without Patch Notes

Game-Changing Surprise: Apex Legends Secretly Revamps Hero without Patch Notes

Respawn surprises Apex Legends players with an unannounced alteration to a Legend during the Harbingers Collection Event, leaving the community buzzing with excitement and curiosity


Players have discovered a secret change to Fuse in Apex Legends where he can no longer zoom in when preparing to launch grenades or Knuckle Clusters.

Despite being a less significant change compared to other Legends' nerfs, it can still have an impact on specific scenarios and be noticeable to certain players.

Nonetheless, Fuse continues to be a highly favored choice, and the Harbingers Collection Event introduces his own exceptional heirloom, named Razor's Edge, which many fans regard as one of the game's finest designs.

The Harbingers Collection Event for Apex Legends introduced a change to Fuse that has not been mentioned in the patch notes. It appears that his ability to zoom when firing grenades and Knuckle Clusters has been removed. While the recent update has included announced changes to Legends like Horizon and Revenant, it seems that the developers at Respawn Entertainment have also made at least one undisclosed adjustment.

Fuse, known as the Bombastic Explosives Expert, was introduced as a new character for Season 8 of Apex Legends, offering a range of abilities for those who enjoy causing chaos on the battlefield. With his Motherlode, Knuckle Clusters, and Grenadier Passive, which grants him extra grenades, Fuse is an agent of mayhem. These abilities also allow him to deal damage from a distance, keeping him relatively safe while interfering with his opponents. However, players have noticed that the deployment of Fuse's Tactical and grenades has become slightly more limited.

After the Harbingers Collection Event was released for Apex Legends, players discovered an undocumented change to Fuse's abilities by Respawn. It was brought to attention by a Reddit user named ashowlyy that Fuse can no longer zoom in while preparing to launch grenades or Knuckle Clusters. This post on the Apex Legends subreddit caught the interest of numerous players, some of whom were previously unaware of the Legend's ability to zoom. However, dedicated Fuse players confirmed that this option existed prior to the recent patch, leading to speculation about Respawn's reasoning behind this "silent" nerf.

While compared to the nerfs given to Horizon and Revenant, this change may seem minor, it could still have an impact in certain situations. One of Fuse's advantages in Apex Legends is his ability to launch grenades and Knuckle Clusters at long distances and high speeds using his robotic arm. Removing the zoom feature could make aiming at distant targets more challenging. Moreover, Fuse currently ranks in the top third of Legends in terms of pick rate for Season 18, making this change potentially noticeable to many players.

Not all bad news for Fuse as the recent patch notes included a small buff for him, reducing the deployment time of his Knuckle Cluster ability. Additionally, the Harbingers Collection Event introduced Fuse's own heirloom, called Razor's Edge, which resembles an electric guitar and has been praised by fans for its design. Players may still uncover undisclosed changes by Respawn in the event. Alongside adjustments to Legends' balance, the event also introduced a new Apex Legends LTM called Living Shells Trios, featuring a new grenade called Rev Shells. Fuse's ability to stack more of this explosive item may prove beneficial in this mode.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: Apex Legends Status