Game-changing Shift: Saudi Crown Prince Hints at Imminent Normalization with Israel

Game-changing Shift: Saudi Crown Prince Hints at Imminent Normalization with Israel

Saudi Crown Prince MBS publicly acknowledges Saudi Arabia's advancing progress in normalizing relations with Israel, expressing optimism towards reaching a deal This significant development comes as the region faces growing concerns over Iran's nuclear ambitions and the need for strategic alignment with global powers

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) stated that his nation is progressively approaching a normalization agreement with Israel. This marked the first public acknowledgment of the ongoing process by the 38-year-old heir to the Saudi throne. In an interview with Fox News that aired on Wednesday, MBS expressed optimism, stating that "every day we get closer" to reaching an agreement. He further remarked that it appeared to be a genuine and significant step, and that the progression would be closely observed.

The Biden administration has been engaging in discussions with Saudi Arabia for several months regarding this matter, as per US officials. If a deal is reached, it would be a major success in terms of foreign policy for the president, and could potentially improve Israel's standing in the Muslim world, especially considering Saudi Arabia's role as the guardian of Islam's most sacred sites. MBS expressed that a pact with Israel would be "the most significant historical agreement since the Cold War."

When asked about the conditions for normalizing relations, MBS expressed his hope that the deal would "find a solution that improves the lives of Palestinians," stopping short of endorsing the creation of an independent Palestinian state, which has been Riyadh's official position for the past two decades.

Most Arab and Islamic nations do not acknowledge Israel's existence. However, in 2002, the kingdom put forth the "Arab Peace Initiative," which presented Israel with the opportunity for security and positive relations with 57 Arab and Muslim countries. The condition was Israel's complete withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Israel refused to accept this proposal. MBS emphasized the significance of resolving the Palestinian issue, expressing his desire for Israel to play a role in the Middle East.

Game-changing Shift: Saudi Crown Prince Hints at Imminent Normalization with Israel

On July 16, 2022, US President Joe Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman were seen arriving at a hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coastal city, for the family photo during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit.

Mandel Ngan/Pool/AFP/Getty Images/FILE

Saudi Arabia looks for security assurances from US as condition for normalizing ties with Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has prioritized normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia in his government, however, it remains uncertain how his right-wing coalition will respond to any requests from Saudi Arabia for concessions to the Palestinians. Within Netanyahu's government, which comprises of far-right ministers and settlers, there have been calls to extend Israel's control in the occupied West Bank, an area that the Palestinians envision as their future state.

MBS expressed his willingness to collaborate with Israel, regardless of the governing party, including Netanyahu, if an agreement is reached between the two nations.

US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu met on Wednesday for their first meeting since December. According to a senior US official, the leaders had an in-depth discussion about normalization efforts. The official acknowledged that progress has been made, but also recognized that there is still a long way to go. They emphasized that for Saudi Arabia to make a move like this, it would need to address the underlying issues between Israelis and Palestinians.

Asked by Fox News what concessions Israel would have to give Palestinians for Riyadh to agree on a deal, MBS declined to answer, saying "these are part of the negotiations."

If Iran gets a nuclear bomb, we have to get one

MBS also expressed a desire for reconciliation with Iran, emphasizing that Tehran has demonstrated a sincere commitment to improving relations with Saudi Arabia. "They are making genuine efforts, and we are actively supporting their endeavors," MBS stated, highlighting the kingdom's interest in witnessing Iran's advancements.

MBS, however, clarified that he strongly opposes Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon as it would compel Saudi Arabia to also acquire one. He expressed his reluctance towards this outcome, stating, "We do not desire such a scenario."

Game-changing Shift: Saudi Crown Prince Hints at Imminent Normalization with Israel

Iran's Nuclear Capabilities Fast Facts

In a significant development, the regional adversaries put their nearly eight-year-long animosity behind them and reached a groundbreaking agreement to restore diplomatic relations, with China acting as the mediator. MBS stated in his interview with Fox that Saudi Arabia did not specifically choose China to broker the deal, but rather Beijing took the initiative. As tensions between Washington and China escalate, Saudi Arabia has been strengthening its relationship with the Asian nation. Moreover, the crown prince hinted at the possibility of considering alternative security partners if the US fails to fulfill the kingdom's conditions in the context of the Israeli normalization discussions.

CNN reported that Riyadh is looking for concessions from the US, including security guarantees and assistance with its civilian nuclear program, in exchange for potentially recognizing Israel. Gulf states, such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have expressed concerns about the decline in US interest in their security. The White House has made efforts to alleviate these fears.

MBS stated that there is a reluctance to witness Saudi Arabia transferring their weapons procurement from the United States to a different destination. He further emphasized that Saudi Arabia holds the largest share in terms of purchasing American armored manufacturing. Additionally, he described the nation as being crucial to the United States' export of military weaponry.

BRICS not aligned against the West

: "The robust security and military connections not only bolster Saidi Arabia's standing in the Middle East but also enhance America's global positioning, particularly in the Middle East," he emphasized. "Preserving this partnership's stability is essential."

The kingdom, along with five other nations, was recently invited to join the BRICS group of developing nations led by China and Russia. The Saudi foreign minister stated that his country would make an appropriate decision in response to the invitation.

MBS expressed the desire to refute the notion that the bloc has an anti-Western agenda, emphasizing that "BRICS is not about political alignments...BRICS is not a group that opposes America or the West," he remarked.

Game-changing Shift: Saudi Crown Prince Hints at Imminent Normalization with Israel

UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in July 2019.

Andy Wong/Getty Images

In the shadow of US-China rivalry, Arab allies tread delicate ground

Saudi Arabia has garnered widespread international condemnation for its contentious human rights track record, encompassing various issues including the suppression of activists within its borders and the gruesome killing and dismemberment of Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

In 2018, the CIA definitively determined that it was Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) who authorized the assassination of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Despite the conclusive evidence, the prince vehemently denies any personal involvement in the brutal murder.

A Saudi man received the death penalty last month due to his social media posts, leading to criticism from various rights organizations. MBS recognized the presence of "flawed laws" in his country which require modification. He mentioned that reforming the judicial system will take time. Saudi Arabia is currently in the process of revising its laws to ensure they are "more practical" for its citizens.

CNNs Kevin Liptak and Betsy Klein contributed to this report.