Game-Changing Character: Invincible Season 1 Surprise Cameo Takes Center Stage in Season 2
Invincible creator Robert Kirkman revealed that a previously overlooked character will play a significant role in season 2, promising exciting developments for fans
Shapesmith, a character glimpsed in season 1 of Invincible, will return and have a larger role in season 2, according to creator Robert Kirkman.
Kirkman is of the belief that Shapesmith's participation in the show will enhance its worth, considering his involvement in the graphic novel. Nevertheless, he did not offer any additional information.
Season 2 of Invincible will encompass numerous subplots, allowing viewers ample opportunity to immerse themselves in the story as the season takes a break. Although Shapesmith's story may be a minor aspect of the larger narrative, the potential for his abilities to generate a substantial influence remains.
Invincible creator Robert Kirkman has confirmed that the character Shapesmith, briefly seen in the show's first season, will make a comeback in season 2 with a significantly expanded role. Kirkman highlighted the importance of Shapesmith's transformation into the astronaut taken over by the Sequids on Mars, expressing his belief that the character's inclusion will be a valuable addition to the show, particularly considering its significance in the graphic novel. However, further details regarding Shapesmith's involvement were not provided.
Kirkman provided in-depth insight into the expanded role of Shapesmith in season two of Invincible during an interview with Collider. Although the actor portraying Shapesmith is yet to be revealed, Kirkman praised their performance and the impact they bring to the character. Shapesmith, a beloved comic book character, added an intriguing dynamic to the Martian storyline. The recently released teaser trailer for Invincible season two introduced several notable cast additions, but the specific roles of these actors remain undisclosed.
The introduction of Shapesmith to the world of Invincible marks a familiar presence, as Martian Man previously appeared as a member of the original Guardians of the Globe. However, while both characters share a similar physical composition, their abilities differ significantly. Martian Man possessed elasticity, whereas Shapesmith's powers, as the name suggests, remain self-explanatory. Although Shapesmith was a hero in the comic, fans are eagerly awaiting to see what role he will play alongside Invincible and the surrounding heroes.
Season 2 of Invincible will feature numerous subplots, providing viewers with a multitude of storylines to immerse themselves in. In fact, the abundance of subplots is expected to be so substantial that the season will go on a midseason hiatus, allowing fans to fully absorb the events taking place. Although Shapesmith will play a role, his story is anticipated to be a smaller part of the overall narrative. Additionally, beloved characters from the previous season, such as Debbie and Robot, will continue to captivate audiences with their compelling story arcs. The show's unexpected success in 2021 has generated significant excitement for the highly anticipated second season. With Shapesmith's shape-shifting abilities, there is a wealth of potential for him to assume various identities. Speculations range from posing as the deceased Donald to using his unique genetic makeup as a shapeshifter to train Mark in combat against multiple adversaries. Whatever role Shapesmith ultimately assumes, creator Robert Kirkman is eager for fans to witness his impact.
Invincible season 2 will start airing new episodes on November 3, 2023.
Source: Collider Interviews