Anime enthusiasts who are also fans of K-Drama shows will be excited to know that a live-action adaptation of Solo Leveling is currently being developed. On October 5, 2023, the news was announced by Heaeun Kwak, the creative director of D&C Webtoon, during an interview with French news website L’Internaute. Kwak shared two important updates that will surely please Solo Leveling fans. The first one is the upcoming WebToon version of the spin-off series written by Chu Gong. The second announcement revealed plans for an engaging K-Drama live-action adaptation of the popular manhwa.
These revelations signaled a vibrant future for fans of the Solo Leveling universe, filled with captivating stories in both visual and live-action formats.
Solo Leveling K-Drama live-action adaptation is yet to reveal more information
There has been no new information from the creative director of D&C regarding the release window of the K-Drama adaptation of the manhwa. This suggests that the adaptation is still in the planning stage, with decisions about casting, scriptwriting, and other aspects yet to be finalized.
During the interview, Kwak provided the following information about D&C's other projects (source: L'Internaute, translated by Google Translate):
In early 2024, the WebToon version of Solo Leveling: Ragnarok, which is a spin-off set in Chu Gong's created universe, will be available for reading. Daul is the writer of the storyline, and Redice Studio will handle the graphic adaptation. Additionally, there is exciting news: a Korean drama based on Solo Leveling is currently being developed, so brace yourselves.
Throughout the interview, Kwak expressed his deep fascination with Chu Gong's work and the intricately woven storyline of his manhwa. Additionally, he expressed his hopes for a secure future for D&C, highlighting the line-up of new titles.
About Solo Loveling:
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As announced during the Anime Expo industry panel 2022, Crunchyroll has licensed the anime adaptation for global release, and here’s how it describes the plot:
For more than ten years now, the enigmatic "gates" have materialized, establishing a mysterious link between our reality and an alternate dimension. As a consequence, select individuals among us have discovered extraordinary abilities, earning them the title of "hunters." These hunters harness their supernatural powers to explore and conquer the treacherous dungeons hidden within the gates, making a living out of this perilous endeavor.
In a world filled with formidable customers, Jinwoo Sung, a low-ranked hunter, is notorious for being "the weakest hunter of all mankind." His life takes a drastic turn when he encounters high-ranking double dungeons concealed within a low-ranked dungeon and sustains a fatal injury. However, just as he teeters on the brink of death, a mysterious quest window materializes before him. Against all odds, Jinwoo decides to accept the quest and embarks on a journey to level up, surpassing his peers. Stay tuned for further information on the upcoming adaptations of Chu Gong's manhwa as they unfold throughout 2023.