Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Presents an Unforgettable Episode of the Year

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Presents an Unforgettable Episode of the Year

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End astounds viewers with breathtaking animation and exhilarating fight scenes, solidifying its place as one of the year's greatest episodes

Article Key Points

The latest episode of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is a must-watch, with a perfect balance of a good story and captivating visuals.

The utilization of time as a central theme in the show amplifies the depth of character relationships and the dynamics of power, resulting in an enthralling and contemplative experience. Moreover, the animation team skillfully conveys heartfelt moments with minimalistic visuals, creating relatable characters that evoke profound emotions.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Episode 9, "Aura the Guillotine," is now available for streaming on Crunchyroll. This episode brings together a perfect combination of a captivating storyline and stunning visuals, evoking the pure joy that anime can bring. Once again, Frieren proves to be a must-watch series for this year.

With the Lügner party determined to lower the city's defensive barrier and the threat of Aura the Guillotine looming outside the walls, Frieren, Fern, and Stark find themselves racing against time. In the previous week, Frieren had encouraged her comrades to confront the powerful demons, fully confident in their ability to overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds.

The Kids Are Alright

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Presents an Unforgettable Episode of the Year

There is little more to add about the narrative that wasn't already covered in the review from last week. The incorporation of time as a central motif in this series has not only enriched the dynamics between characters but has also significantly enhanced the power hierarchy. Although Fern and Stark may not possess the same longevity as Frieren or the demons, their abilities should not be taken lightly.

Fern is undeniably the perfect reflection of Frieren, showcasing several remarkable moments that mirror her mentor's iconic traits. Her confident stride alone is enough to shatter the intimidating mask that Lügner, a demon, has meticulously crafted throughout the past two episodes, thus putting him in a disadvantageous position. While her opponent may lack overwhelming power, Fern compensates with unrivaled precision and lightning-fast speed.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Presents an Unforgettable Episode of the Year

The main thematic element in this episode centers around reflection. It explores the connection between the past and present, the old and new, and the deceased and the living. Fern serves as a mirror image of Frieren, while Stark finds himself in a role reversal during his battle against Linie. Linie's magic enables her to imitate Eisen's fighting style, which she had witnessed years ago. This puts Stark in the difficult position of fighting against his own master.

A poignant moment in the episode involves Graf Granat, who tragically resembles his deceased son. His son had lost his life while fighting Aura several years ago. The scene transitions from a shot of Graf Granat to an armored soldier, wielding a sword and wearing a necklace that has become familiar in recent episodes.

Episode of the Year?

is preserved in the final moments of a young man with unbelievable determination, allowing the audience to grasp the depth of his story solely through visual means. These intimate instances enhance the narrative and foster an emotional bond with the characters. Thanks to the exceptional skills of the animation team, these ordinary moments hold the power to evoke profound emotions without the need for additional embellishments.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Presents an Unforgettable Episode of the Year

Occasionally, the most impressive animation arises from seemingly insignificant moments. Consider, for instance, the cooking scenes featured in Ghibli or ComixWave films, which are frequently shared due to their visually gratifying nature, or the meticulously animated sequences depicting ordinary actions. Similarly, this week's most notable moments derived from subtle details.

The moments when Stark and Fern put on or remove their coats are particularly memorable because they occur during calm moments, allowing the audience to fully appreciate each second. These transitions are slow, intricate, and incredibly realistic. Once the action begins, the episode becomes visually stunning, making it almost overwhelming to identify specific examples of its brilliance, but it's worth a try.

To start, building on a point made in last week's review, one of the animation's greatest achievements lies in its ability to convey speed and impact solely through visuals. The animators ingeniously illustrate the strength, swiftness, and weight of weapons in simple yet effective ways. Hanwen Ye's flawless cut, showcasing Linie's forceful punch against Stark, is a prime example of this technique. (Watch it here.)

The sparks on the ground, the smudges portraying the axe's inertia, and the wind lines all merge to form a powerful and satisfying attack, giving a glimpse of what lies ahead. During the fight, Stark mainly adopts a defensive stance, while Linie constantly adapts her fighting style, imitating various warriors and wielding different weapons.

On the other hand, Fern's effects stand out against the dark red hue of Lügner's blood attacks. Her energy blasts radiate a vibrant shine akin to moonlight. However, the focus of attention isn't solely on the effects. It primarily rests on Fern herself, whose subtle yet confident characterization is so exceptionally captivating that it's almost effortless to disregard Lügner's presence. Yet, the moment he becomes the target of a relentless assault, he commands the spotlight. (See the cut by Kouki Fujimoto.)

A complete video could be dedicated to this episode, however, it risks becoming merely a fawning portrayal of its aesthetic appeal. What truly matters is the exceptional effort demonstrated by the team responsible for this episode, which brings nothing but delight. Madhouse has undoubtedly succeeded with Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, and the anticipation for the upcoming episode has reached unprecedented levels.

Editor's P/S

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End continues to impress with its breathtaking animation and captivating storytelling. The latest episode, "Aura the Guillotine," is a prime example of the series' ability to blend these elements seamlessly. The fight scenes are particularly well-done, with fluid animation and dynamic camera work that bring the action to life. The character development is also top-notch, with each character's motivations and relationships explored in depth.

One of the things I appreciate most about Frieren is its willingness to take its time and develop its characters and story. The series never feels rushed, and each episode feels like a natural progression of the overall narrative. This allows for a deep level of immersion and investment in the characters and their journeys.

Overall, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is a must-watch for fans of anime and fantasy. Its unique blend of action, adventure, and drama make it a standout series that is sure to leave a lasting impression.