Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

Frasier Reboot Episode 4 Recap: A heartwarming journey unfolds as Frasier reconnects with his son, tackles buried issues, offers advice, and witnesses surprising moments, including a bittersweet realization A must-watch episode filled with growth, laughter, and new beginnings

Warning! Spoilers ahead for the Frasier reboot episode 4.


Episode 4 of the reboot focuses on Frasier's endeavor to mend his troubled bond with his son, Freddy. Their shared interests and Freddy's remarkable trivia abilities underscore the similarities between them, despite their contrasting personalities.

In the Frasier reboot's fourth episode, Niles and Daphne's absence is acknowledged through meta-commentary, while Frasier confirms the passing of Martin's dog, Eddie.

Returning to the show's core storyline, the episode centers on the relationship between Frasier and Freddy. Following his disastrous first class in the previous episode, Frasier is forced to confront the reality of his situation with his son. Mirroring the original show's focus on Frasier's dynamic with Martin, the revival explores Frasier's efforts to repair his fractured bond with Freddy. However, Frasier quickly realizes that he cannot rely on his old tricks to reconnect with his son, despite the similarities between them.

In the third episode of the Frasier reboot, titled "First Class," the narrative shifted to focus on Frasier's new job as a lecturer at Harvard. This development provided insight into the life he led in Chicago, and plays a crucial role in his personal story as he seeks redemption in Boston. However, it is the familial elements that continue to shine in the Frasier reboot. While Martin and Niles may not be present, the eldest Crane brother can now prioritize his role as a father to his only son.

10. Freddy Beats Frasier In Trivia

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

The fourth episode of the Frasier reboot, titled "Trivial Pursuits," departs from Frasier's academic struggles at Harvard. Seeking some relaxation, he decides to participate in Mahoney's trivia contest alongside his new colleagues, Olivia and Alan Cornwall. Little does the arrogant psychiatrist know, Freddy and his firefighter comrades are also entering the competition. Despite Frasier's unwavering confidence in his team's abilities, a series of blunders and Freddy's exceptional skills at the game ultimately result in their defeat. This serves as a reminder that, in addition to following in his father Martin's footsteps, Freddy possesses a deep understanding of subjects that his dad is knowledgeable about.

9. Frasier Offers An Update On His Relationship With Lilith

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

One noteworthy moment in Mahoney's trivia contest involves a question with the answer "arctic circle." Intriguingly, instead of directly answering the query, Frasier decides to add some humor by mentioning his ex-wife, Lilith. Unfortunately, Freddy fails to find his father's antics amusing, likely because he is accustomed to their constant bickering. Nonetheless, this serves as an intriguing way to create anticipation for Bebe Neuwirth's upcoming guest appearance.

8. Freddy Feels Like Frasier Looks Down On Him

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

In episode 3 of the Frasier reboot, Frasier's focus shifts to his new job at Harvard. However, episode 4 takes a different path by showcasing Freddy's workplace as a firefighter in Boston. This is a significant departure from the previously established locations in the revival. Freddy's intention behind inviting Frasier to the firehouse is to shed light on the meaningful work he engages in daily. The fact that Freddy didn't choose to follow in his father's footsteps has always been a sore spot for him, leading to feelings of being looked down upon by his dad. This continues to be a sensitive issue for the young Crane.

7. David Pokes Fun At Niles And Daphne's Absence

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

Frasier enlists his nephew, David, to assist with grocery shopping as he prepares to cook for Freddy's firefighter unit. While fulfilling his uncle's task, David expresses a longing for his parents, Niles and Daphne, who opted not to join the Frasier reboot despite receiving an invitation from Kelsey Grammer. This comment carries a subtle meta-commentary on the situation, underscoring the significant impact of their absence in the Frasier reboot.

6. Frasier Confirms That Eddie Is Dead

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

In addition to the Crane patriarch, Martin, Eddie, Martin's beloved pet dog, has also passed away. Frasier confirms this in episode 4 of the Frasier reboot while dealing with Freddy's firehouse dog. Similar to Martin's pet, Eddie, the Dalmatian enjoys engaging in intense staring contests with Frasier, which serves as a poignant reminder of Eddie. Although Frasier doesn't mention the Jack Russell Terrier by name, he does mention that he has outlived him, implying that Eddie is no longer with us.

5. Frasier Sees Freddy In Action As A Firefighter For The First Time

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

Freddy's wish is granted in episode 4 of the Frasier reboot when a call comes in to his firehouse. However, his moment to shine is dampened by the relatively minor emergency of rescuing a man trapped in a dog door. To make matters worse, the individual in distress happens to be a devoted fan of Freddy's father, stealing the spotlight away from Freddy. Instead, it is Frasier who takes center stage, soothing the man's nerves while Freddy and his colleagues work diligently to free him from his predicament.

4. Frasier Gives His First Advice In The Reboot

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

Frasier's time as Dr. Crane in recent years caused him to lose interest in giving advice. This is the reason why he was reluctant to share his words of wisdom with his students as they sought help with their personal problems. However, in episode 4 of the Frasier reboot, he is compelled to utilize his years of being a therapist to help Freddy's patient relax while the firefighters break down his door to rescue him. This confirms that he still possesses the ability to offer guidance to strangers in need.

3. Frasier Reveals The Real Reason He Doesn't Like Freddy's Job

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

After engaging in a heated argument, Freddy's intense discussion with his dad is abruptly cut short due to an emergency. As a result, Frasier finds himself back at Mahoney's where he solemnly watches the news coverage of the fire that his son and his co-workers bravely responded to. Observing the despondent expression on his face, Eve kindly offers him advice on how to navigate his predicament with Freddy. This encourages Frasier to finally confess the true reason behind his dissatisfaction with his job - it serves as a stark reminder of his childhood anxieties about Martin, who served as a policeman. Unexpectedly, this scene becomes extraordinarily poignant, serving as a powerful connection between the reboot and Frasier's past.

2. Frasier & Freddy Finally Start To Fix Their Relationship

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

In the Frasier reboot pilot's conclusion, Freddy and Frasier engage in a heartfelt discussion regarding the true state of their relationship. However, their conversation naturally turns towards the passing of Martin. Subsequently, they have yet to sit down for another significant talk, which could be a blessing in disguise. Nevertheless, the closing scene of Frasier reboot episode 4 presents a hopeful possibility for improvement as Freddy openly shares the details of his workday with his father. This sequence captures the essence of the classic Frasier dynamic, heightened by the absence of humorous interjections that could overshadow the emotional depth.

1. David Learns How To Ride A Bike

Frasier Reboot: Top 10 Memorable Moments from Episode 4

In light of Niles' well-known struggle with bike riding in the original Frasier series, it would be natural to assume that David received lessons at a young age. Surprisingly, the reboot reveals that this is not the case. Instead, Freddy's firefighter friends take on the responsibility of not only providing David with his first bicycle but also teaching him how to ride it. Interestingly, David displays a remarkable ability to learn much faster than his father. This suggests that he might soon be effortlessly exploring the Harvard campus with his new method of transportation.

New episodes of the Frasier reboot air every Thursday on Paramount+.