Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

Discover the coveted pump-action shotgun code and location in Alan Wake 2 Arm Saga Anderson with this powerful weapon by following our guide Unleash its might and conquer the dark forces that await!

How To Get Pump-Action Shotgun Code In Alan Wake 2

In Alan Wake 2, an immersive survival horror experience, players will have access to a range of formidable weapons to combat the lurking Taken enemies. To stay true to the genre, the game offers a variety of shotguns along with intriguing puzzles that safeguard them. Rest assured, Alan Wake 2 delivers on this front. While players can obtain a sawed-off version of the iconic firearm early on, a more powerful pump-action model awaits them as they venture further into Saga's narrative.

After completing the Valhalla Nursing Home and Wellness Center sections and the Overlap encounter in the Saga's chapter Return 5: Old Gods, players will have the opportunity to acquire this powerful weapon in Alan Wake 2. The next objective will be to proceed to the Bright Falls Sheriff's Station.

Upon returning to the station, players will come across Kiran Esteves, a wounded agent from the Federal Bureau of Control, who is hiding in a closet. Once Saga eliminates the Taken that have infiltrated the station, Kiran will provide the keys to access the rest of the facility. For players who prefer a direct approach, the pump-action shotgun can be found in Sheriff Tim Breaker's office, with the code being 7-2-3.

Though locating the pump-action shotgun in Alan Wake 2 is fairly straightforward, deciphering the correct code to unlock the case it's stored behind can pose a challenge for some players. This particular puzzle relies on engaging detective work, involving an alphabetic encryption code and uncovering intriguing clues about the shotgun's owner. For those intrigued by how to solve the puzzle, the step-by-step process is outlined below.

Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

At the office of Sheriff Tim Breaker, located at the far northwestern end of the station, one can spot a desk terminal accompanied by a note. The note, featuring a depiction of a book surrounded by a luminous energy, serves as another crucial clue. Upon closer inspection, the note reveals the alphabets assigned to corresponding numbers, such as A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. Noteworthy is the fact that when the number exceeds a single digit, only the second digit is relevant for the code. For instance, if L corresponds to 12, only the 2 would be considered.

Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

On the desk, there are three UFO-related books forming a series in a specific order. The first book is authored by Quincey, followed by Batston for the second book, and finally completed by Westmore for the third book. To crack the code, players need to use the initials of the authors' last names. Consequently, the letters required for deciphering are Q, B, and W. By matching these to the cipher, players will discover that the code for the pump-action shotgun is 7-2-3.

The alphabet code assigns numerical values to each letter, such as A=1, B=3, C=3, and so on. Once a value exceeds single digits, only the second digit is considered. Take note of the first letters of the surnames of the authors of the UFO books, following the series order 1-3; Q, B, W.

Use the alphabet cipher to decode the initials and obtain the code 7-2-3. Opening the case will reward players with the Stop Right There Trophy/Achievement. Equipped with the pump-action shotgun, players will have a higher likelihood of defending against any remaining Taken while Saga continues the search for Alan in the station.

Finding the Pump-Action Shotgun Code and Location in Alan Wake 2

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of the Alan Wake series, I am thrilled to see the return of the pump-action shotgun in Alan Wake 2. This iconic weapon was a fan favorite in the original game, and I am excited to see how it has been improved and updated for the sequel. The puzzle to unlock the shotgun is a nice touch, and I appreciate the way it ties into the game's narrative.

Overall, I am very impressed with what I have seen of Alan Wake 2 so far. The game looks great, the story is intriguing, and the gameplay is fun and engaging. I can't wait to get my hands on the full game when it releases later this year.