Extra Payment Required: Amazon Prime Video Now Includes Ads

Extra Payment Required: Amazon Prime Video Now Includes Ads

Enjoy an uninterrupted streaming experience on Amazon Prime Video with an ad-free subscription No additional charges required for a seamless entertainment journey

Once you’ve subscribed to Prime Video, you will need to spend extra to get rid of advertisements, as Amazon is making updates to its premium video service. Amazon previously stated that it would add ads to Prime Video, without specifying a date. The date has now been confirmed: Beginning on January 29, Prime Video will no longer be free of ads.

An email was sent by the company to subscribers, informing them of the policy change. The email stated that fewer advertisements during movie and show streaming would enable the company to maintain its investment in engaging content and further increase this investment over time.

“We strive to have significantly fewer ads compared to traditional TV and other streaming services,” Amazon stated in the email. “You do not need to take any action, and there will be no change to the current price of your Prime membership.”

To maintain an ad-free viewing experience, customers will need to pay an extra $2.99 per month on top of their current plan. Prime Video users can sign up in advance for the ad-free option, with billing starting on January 29. Amazon assures that the ads shown will be tailored to the viewers and that Prime Video will have significantly fewer ads than traditional TV and other streaming services.

Like it or hate it, ads are all over

Amazon's email also outlines numerous benefits that users will continue to receive in order to discourage them from unsubscribing. However, despite imposing its decision and additional costs, Amazon has not provided any reassurance to the users.

Amazon has faced criticism in the past for requiring subscribers to pay extra to watch the most popular titles on the platform, but the company has now added advertisements as another source of revenue. This move follows in the footsteps of other platforms such as Hulu, Disney+, Max, and Paramount Plus, which also include advertisements.

Netflix also resisted the urge. However, it also gave in recently and introduced an ad-supported tier. Apple TV+, on the other hand, is the only major streaming platform that is still ad-free.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Amazon Prime Video, I am disappointed and frustrated by the news that ads will be added to the platform starting January 29. I have been a loyal subscriber for many years and have enjoyed the convenience and ad-free experience that Prime Video has provided. The introduction of ads feels like a betrayal of trust and a step backward in terms of user experience.

I understand that Amazon needs to find ways to generate revenue and support its investments in content, but I believe that adding ads is not the right approach. It will only serve to alienate subscribers and drive them to other platforms that offer an ad-free experience. I am also concerned about the impact that ads will have on the overall viewing experience. Ads can be disruptive and annoying, and they can take away from the enjoyment of watching movies and TV shows. I am not willing to pay an extra $2.99 per month to remove ads, and I am considering canceling my Prime Video subscription altogether.