Exposed: How Movie PR Company Scandalously Manipulated Rotten Tomatoes Scores - Shocking Details Inside!

Exposed: How Movie PR Company Scandalously Manipulated Rotten Tomatoes Scores - Shocking Details Inside!

Movie PR Company Allegedly Paid Reviewers to Inflate Rotten Tomatoes Scores; RT Reacts with Punishments for Positive Ophelia Reviews


Bunker 15, a film PR company, tried to boost the Rotten Tomatoes score of the movie Ophelia by paying lesser-known critics for positive reviews.

Rotten Tomatoes detected the manipulation and took action by removing the questionable reviews, issuing a stern warning to the implicated reviewers.

Despite the significant impact of Rotten Tomatoes scores on a movie's reception, the inclusion of lesser-known reviewers ensures the platform's continued dominance in the film review industry.

A movie PR company bribed critics from Rotten Tomatoes, leading to significant consequences. Rotten Tomatoes, a popular review-aggregation website, has been active since 1998. Films aspire to achieve the prestigious "Certified Fresh" status on the site, which is only awarded to those with a Tomatometer rating above 75%.

According to Vulture, a film PR company attempted to manipulate film reviews by deceptive means. In 2018, Bunker 15, a film PR company, was in charge of promoting the reimagined Shakespeare tale, Ophelia. Initially, Ophelia received a poor 40% score on Rotten Tomatoes. To improve this, Bunker 15 reached out to less prominent critics, some of whom were allegedly paid, in an effort to obtain favorable reviews. Consequently, Ophelia's Rotten Tomatoes score increased from 40% to 62%.

What the Bunker 15 Case Says About Rotten Tomatoes

Exposed: How Movie PR Company Scandalously Manipulated Rotten Tomatoes Scores - Shocking Details Inside!

Bunker 15 went to great lengths to boost Ophelia's Tomatometer score by over 60%. Allegedly, a representative from Bunker 15 even tried to convince a negative reviewer to give the film a "barely positive" review, claiming to have connections with Rotten Tomatoes editors. These manipulative efforts seemed to pay off, as Ophelia secured a U.S. distributor in IFC Films.

However, Rotten Tomatoes was not oblivious to Bunker 15's actions. The website removed several Bunker 15 reviews and issued a stern warning to the authors, emphasizing their commitment to score integrity and their zero tolerance for any attempts to manipulate ratings. Rotten Tomatoes has a dedicated team that diligently monitors their platforms to investigate and resolve any suspicious activities.

The distribution deal secured by Ophelia is a clear demonstration of the significant impact that the website's scores can have on the success of certain movies. However, it is important to consider this influence cautiously since Rotten Tomatoes includes reviews from lesser-known critics in its calculation of the critic score. Nevertheless, Rotten Tomatoes continues to be a dominant platform for movie reviews and is expected to hold this position for the foreseeable future.