Explosive Revelation: Rick And Morty Co-Creator Dan Harmon Breaks Silence on Startling Justin Roiland Allegations

Explosive Revelation: Rick And Morty Co-Creator Dan Harmon Breaks Silence on Startling Justin Roiland Allegations

Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon addresses the allegations against former work partner Justin Roiland, providing his long-awaited official response


Dan Harmon opens up about his feelings on Justin Roiland's controversial behavior and toxic workplace complaints.

Harmon acknowledges his past wrongdoing and expresses regret, emphasizing the significance of taking responsibility in the #MeToo movement. Despite being emotionally wounded by Roiland, Harmon maintains his respect towards the victims and exhibits empathy, exemplifying his personal development and maturity.

Following the emergence of sexual and workplace harassment allegations against Justin Roiland, Dan Harmon has remained relatively silent on the issue. However, in light of a comprehensive exposé on the co-creator of Rick and Morty, Harmon has finally addressed this controversial matter.

More than a decade ago, Roiland and Harmon collaborated to bring Adult Swim one of its most successful cartoons of the 2010s. The creator of Community has consistently expressed his desire to allow Roiland to showcase his creative abilities. Roiland was the mastermind behind the characters, who were clever parodies of Doc Brown and Marty from Back to the Future. Harmon later admitted that he didn't anticipate staying involved with the project beyond six episodes. However, circumstances escalated unexpectedly. A series of events led to Harmon's continued partnership with Rick and Morty, a partnership he initially hoped for. Unfortunately, Roiland had a different viewpoint and found himself entangled in allegations of a toxic workplace environment and legal disputes.

For the first time, Harmon disclosed his sentiments about that tumultuous period to The Hollywood Reporter. "Regarding Justin, it has been effortless for me to remain silent. Effortless because he distanced himself so effectively and effortless because I am not the preferred judge for evaluating anyone or anything," stated the co-creator of Rick and Morty. "I would prefer to focus on myself, on how terribly I have behaved throughout my public life," he added. "It would be so comforting and reassuring to shift the attention to me, but that strategy holds no value here and poses a risk to others. The safety and well-being of countless individuals were compromised while I fixated on the quality of an animated series. Trust has been shattered amongst a multitude of people, as well as a show that was intended to bring them joy. I feel frustrated, ashamed, and devastated that the diligent work, happiness, and passion poured into this endeavor have been exploited to inflict harm upon strangers."

Explosive Revelation: Rick And Morty Co-Creator Dan Harmon Breaks Silence on Startling Justin Roiland Allegations

As noted by Harmon, he had been responsible for workplace complaints in the past. During his tenure on Community, writer Megan Ganz experienced unwelcome advances from Harmon. This information remained undisclosed until 2018 when Ganz spoke out about his mistreatment after rejecting him. In response, Harmon apologized sincerely, taking full accountability for his actions. Despite the delayed apology, Ganz accepted it and publicly forgave him, showcasing the kind of responsibility sought by the #MeToo movement, which appears to be lacking in Roiland's downfall.

To his credit, Harmon has shown himself to be a class act. He openly admits to being emotionally devastated upon learning about Roiland's problematic behavior and the consequent severing of ties by his former Rick and Morty partner. Harmon further shared with THR that their last communication was an aggressive text that brought him to tears.

Nonetheless, he continues to show respect towards those whom Roiland has caused harm, including the writers of Rick and Morty. While Roiland has refuted the accusations, Harmon refrains from making any remarks that may inflict further pain on anyone. This showcases how Harmon, having gained insights from his own experiences, has emerged as a more empathetic individual than ever before.

The debut of Rick and Morty season 7 is scheduled for October 15, 2023, on Adult Swim.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter