Explosive Defense: Kevin Smith Weighs In on Controversial The Flash Cameos

Explosive Defense: Kevin Smith Weighs In on Controversial The Flash Cameos

Kevin Smith passionately defends The Flash's controversial multiverse cameos, sparking mixed reactions among fans and fueling discussions on the impact of these appearances

Kevin Smith defends The Flash's controversial cameos, stating that he has a personal connection to them. He was responsible for the original script of the scrapped Superman Lives, which would have featured Nicolas Cage as Superman. The Flash's cast includes this version of Superman, who fights the giant spider that was meant to be in the canceled movie. While Cage's Superman cameo received criticism, it was not as poorly received as the other returning DC actors. Smith defends the decision to use Christopher Reeve and George Reeves' versions of Superman, even though both actors have been dead for years. He sees it as a homage to the past rather than an insult. Smith also expresses his willingness for the same thing to happen to him after his death, stating that anything can be done to his image.

It didn't bother me at all. I saw it as a beautiful tribute to the past, not as an insult. It felt like a sincere homage. Some might argue that since the actors are no longer alive, they cannot give their permission. But honestly, I don't know any actor who would say, "Don't use my image when I'm dead." In this industry, you don't strive to be shy or unseen, right? You want to be visible. So, here's my open invitation to the world: after I'm gone, feel free to do anything with my image or include Silent Bob in a movie. Anything you desire. You can even put me in adult films, for all I care. As long as it keeps my name alive and relevant, I'll be happy, even in death. I've dedicated 30 years to making a name for myself and staying in the public's consciousness. If someone wants to do it for me for free after I'm gone, please, go ahead and do it.

Explosive Defense: Kevin Smith Weighs In on Controversial The Flash Cameos

The Flash's multiverse cameos have been the main topic of discussion surrounding the movie even before its release. The complete list of cameos was revealed during DC's fan screenings of The Flash prior to its official release date, and images and videos from those screenings quickly circulated online. Unfortunately, the leaked footage was of poor quality, resulting in negative word-of-mouth for The Flash before it even hit theaters.

The leaked footage of The Flash's multiverse cameos did not accurately represent the final film and was plagued by poor visual effects. The multiverse characters had an unnatural appearance, resembling video game characters rather than real people. The subpar CGI only further fueled the skepticism of those who were against the idea of resurrecting deceased actors for cameo appearances, as it resulted in lifeless recreations of the stars. This not only upset fans but also disregarded the consent of the actors, who had no say in the use of their images in the movie. Additionally, the underwhelming visual effects in the sequence failed to do justice to actors like Cage and Helen Slater, who were reportedly present on set. The absence of Grant Gustin, the actor who portrays The Flash in the Arrowverse, also left fans disappointed, as his cameo would have been fitting in a movie centered around the speedster. Overall, the multiverse cameos in The Flash were ultimately underwhelming and left much to be desired.

Source: Rolling Stone