Explosive Allegations: Jason Derulo Under Fire for Alleged Quid Pro Quo Harassment by Singer Emaza Gibson

Explosive Allegations: Jason Derulo Under Fire for Alleged Quid Pro Quo Harassment by Singer Emaza Gibson

Jason Derulo faces a lawsuit for alleged sexual harassment by singer Emaza Gibson, who accuses him of coercing her into performing sexual acts in return for career advancement This article delves into the disturbing allegations surrounding the case

Jason Derulo is currently the subject of a lawsuit concerning accusations of sexual harassment. Emaza Gibson, a singer, has initiated legal proceedings in a Los Angeles court, asserting that Derulo, aged 34, engaged in unwarranted advances towards her following her recruitment for a record deal.

Court documents obtained by We claim that while recording music, Derulo informed Gibson that in order to be successful in the music industry, she would have to participate in "goat skin and fish scales," a Haitian reference to sex rituals involving sacrificing a goat, using its blood, and using cocaine. The filing asserts that Derulo's statement implied that he was demanding sexual acts from Gibson in exchange for his mentorship, supervision, and musical collaboration. Us has contacted both Derulo and Gibson's legal teams for comment.

Gibson, who is 25 years old, asserts in her lawsuit that Derulo’s request for sex in exchange for success was reinforced by his subsequent actions. She states that the singer frequently invited her to dinner and drinks, and would often schedule recording sessions late at night.

Additionally, Gibson remembers a specific incident where she felt compelled to accept an alcoholic beverage from Derulo, as he held a position of authority and had the ability to advance her career. However, she immediately noticed an excessive amount of alcohol in the drink, which made her uncomfortable. Despite Derulo's encouragement to take another sip, she declined.

Gibson claims that in addition to the alleged sexual harassment, Derulo confronted her angrily for being late to a recording session in June 2022. According to the lawsuit, Derulo shouted at Gibson, standing inches away from her face, saying, "I don't know who you think you are! You're supposed to be here before me! You need to plan better!" Gibson, who is filing the lawsuit, disclosed these alleged experiences and their impact on her in an interview with NBC News published on Thursday. She seeks compensation for unpaid wages, loss of earnings, deferred compensation, other employment benefits, and damages for emotional distress, without specifying a specific amount.

"I informed him that I don't consume alcohol...so it's frustrating, you know? It's like he didn't pay attention when I initially mentioned it, and he continues to urge me," she expressed. "It feels like an immense amount of pressure now." The artist, who identifies herself as a "humanitarian" and an "activist" in her Instagram biography, stated that collaborating with Derulo was an easy decision for her when it was initially presented. However, she now finds herself feeling emotionally distressed by the encounter.

In this article

"I find myself in a deeply disheartening state in my life currently," she expressed. "Anxiety and trauma have become my constant companions as a result of enduring horrific working conditions. ... I'm now at a juncture where I have hit rock bottom, left with nothing to call my own."

Explosive Allegations: Jason Derulo Under Fire for Alleged Quid Pro Quo Harassment by Singer Emaza Gibson

Jason Derulo