Exploring the Ramifications: How Shutdowns Affect Republicans Like Me

Exploring the Ramifications: How Shutdowns Affect Republicans Like Me

Republicans must prioritize responsible funding scrutiny and advocate for reasonable limits to avert government shutdowns, emphasizes Rep Mike Lawler

Editor's Note: Mike Lawler, a representative from New York's 17th Congressional District, serves on the House Financial Services Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He is a member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus and the SALT Caucus, as well as the Co-Chair of the Anti-Congestion Tax Caucus, Appalachian National Scenic Trails Caucus, and the Moldova Caucus. The opinions expressed in this article are his own. For more opinions, visit CNN.

Recent polling indicates that approximately 25% of Americans have confidence in the direction our country is heading. There are various factors contributing to this sentiment.

Exploring the Ramifications: How Shutdowns Affect Republicans Like Me

Michael V. Lawler

Representative Mike Lawler highlights that, for many individuals, the current state of the economy is grim. "Bidenomics" has proven to be unsuccessful, with its imprudent expenditure and extreme policies resulting in almost record-breaking inflation, surging grocery expenses, increasing energy prices, as well as rapidly escalating interest and mortgage rates.

Since Biden took office, more than 6 million migrants have entered the United States through our porous southern border. Additionally, drug cartels are smuggling fentanyl into the country, leading to a devastating impact that has resulted in approximately 70,000 American deaths in 2022.

However, one significant factor contributing to frustration among Americans is the prioritization of partisanship and gridlock over compromise and actual outcomes by numerous politicians in Washington, including those from my own party. This failure to reach agreement on a spending package to keep the federal government functioning has resulted in an imminent shutdown.

I received considerable attention for referring to the actions taking place within my own House Republican Conference, which aimed to sabotage a funding agreement, as a "clown show." However, I stand firm in my belief and do not apologize for expressing this opinion.

In 2022, the voters elected a House Republican majority, largely due to the support from my home state of New York, with the expectation that we would act as a check and balance on the Biden administration. It is without a doubt that they anticipated us to govern effectively and collaborate in finding solutions to various challenges.

Sadly, a select few individuals within the House GOP conference hold the misguided belief that their opinions are the sole ones of importance. Furthermore, they seem to exist within a parallel universe where Republicans govern not only the White House and the US Senate but also the House of Representatives.

Attention, everyone: We are not in that situation.


Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy speaks to reporters in Statuary Hall at the U.S. Capitol September 26, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Opinion: Its outrageous that Congress would be paid in a shutdown while most federal workers wouldnt

And we do not, partly because many moderate Americans do not like the image of the Republican Party represented by individuals like Florida Representative Matt Gaetz, who plays a significant role in the budget deadlock. Gaetz would never be successful in winning an election in a district that tends to swing between political parties, like mine. He would face a crushing defeat.

These individuals either fail to comprehend the idea of governance with divided power or prioritize energizing specific segments of our party's supporters to solicit small online donations of $5.

The reality is as follows: Congress has been diligently working on the appropriations process for months. The Republicans have developed 12 appropriation bills, with a shared objective of reining in the government's size and scope, as well as reversing the imprudent spending that has occurred under the Biden administration, which amounts to trillions in new outlays.

Regrettably, both the Republican-controlled House and the Democrat-led Senate will not be able to pass all 12 of these bills before the government funding runs out on September 30th. Consequently, Congress must enact a Continuing Resolution (CR) to temporarily fund the government while negotiations continue for a more detailed and comprehensive appropriations bill.

As members of Congress, it is our responsibility to carefully examine funding proposals and prioritize them while still making progress. Unfortunately, certain individuals from my own party are attempting to disrupt everything for their own personal gain. I cannot remain silent about their actions. These individuals have no clear agenda, cannot define success, refuse to accept positive solutions, and are unwilling to collaborate as a team.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has proposed a fiscally conservative CR that would reduce current spending by 8% while implementing the strongest border security measures in over a hundred years. As a representative from a suburban district directly affected by New York City's self-created migrant crisis, I understand the immense importance of this proposal.

My constituents have entrusted me to advocate for their needs and I must emphasize that a government shutdown benefits no one. This is particularly detrimental to the diligent residents of New York's 17th District who heavily rely on vital government services.

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To my colleagues who strongly oppose a CR: There is a distinction between standing firm in your principles and being so inflexible that you undermine the very goals your principles are meant to promote. A CR does not imply conceding defeat or betraying our values. It is a matter of pragmatism, recognizing that effective governance requires a balance and willingness to compromise.

The ultimate challenge for all of us is to prioritize the needs of the American people. If members of my own party refuse to support a CR, then I will take independent action, collaborating with those from different political affiliations to achieve our objectives. Bipartisanship should not be seen as a weakness or mocked; rather, it is an indication of a functional democracy.

As the possibility of a shutdown looms nearer, I want to emphasize my unwavering dedication. I am determined to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our society are not left in the dark, even if there are a few representatives who struggle to differentiate between standing for their beliefs and easily being swayed.

Now, it's time to begin our work.