Exploring Ed Baldwin's Issues in For All Mankind Season 4

Exploring Ed Baldwin's Issues in For All Mankind Season 4

Unraveling the Mystery Surrounding Ed Baldwin in For All Mankind Season 4: Is there a hidden reason behind his prolonged absence from home? Dive into the suspenseful hints of an illness that may jeopardize Ed's career and personal life

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for For All Mankind season 4, episode 1, "Glasnost."

Article Overview

Ed Baldwin's hesitance to return to Earth in the current season of For All Mankind possibly stems from his health problems, as indicated by his noticeable hand tremors.

It is probable that Ed's choice to remain on Mars rather than return to Earth is driven by his concern over the potential repercussions of disclosing his illness, as he apprehensively anticipates being permanently grounded.

Ed's use of marijuana for self-medication suggests that he relies on it to cope with the symptoms of his condition, highlighting the impact his illness has on his daily life and decision-making. In the first episode of season 4 of For All Mankind, titled "Glasnost," Ed Baldwin (played by Joel Kinnaman) appears to be dealing with health issues, which may explain his reluctance to return to Earth. The episode takes place eight years after the events of season 3, with preparations underway to send the first man to an asteroid. Interestingly, Ed is more than willing to let his old friend, Grigory Kuznetsov (played by Lev Gorn), take the credit for this achievement. However, as the season 4 premiere of For All Mankind progresses, the reasons behind Ed's decision to stay aboard Ranger One become clearer.

The opening montage of For All Mankind season 4 showcases Ed as a living legend, portrayed by Clint Eastwood in a movie centered around the Mars race. However, it is also revealed that Ed has not returned to Mars since the tragic passing of his ex-wife Karen Baldwin (Shantel VanSanten). While Karen's death seemingly plays a significant role, Ed's decision to remain on Mars goes beyond his grief, particularly as his daughter Kelly (Cynthy Wu) is back home caring for her child. The reasons behind Ed's reluctance to return to Earth seemingly extend to his physical well-being, suggesting a deeper motivation for his prolonged stay on Mars.

For All Mankind Season 4 Hints That Ed Is Dealing With An Illness

Exploring Ed Baldwin's Issues in For All Mankind Season 4

While overseeing Grigory's landing on the asteroid, it becomes evident that Ed is grappling with a physical ailment. His hand visibly shakes as he attempts to grip the joystick, necessitating a brief pause until the tremor subsides before he continues fulfilling his duties. As Grigory's untimely demise tragically highlights, space is a treacherous and merciless realm, where even the slightest miscalculation or misstep could prove fatal to those under Ed's command. The trembling hand serves as a concerning indication of a potential neurological condition, possibly linked to the advancing years. Ed seems to have control over the situation at present, but if left unaddressed, it could lead to significant challenges later in For All Mankind season 4.

Ed's Illness Explains Why He Hasn't Been Home For Years In For All Mankind

Ed has clearly not sought medical advice regarding his tremor, as he is shown self-medicating towards the end of the closing scene in episode 1 of season 4 of "For All Mankind" titled "Glasnost." In solitude within his quarters, Ed is seen smoking a joint. This act simultaneously illustrates Ed Baldwin's mellowing in old age and raises concerns about his condition. The utilization of medicinal marijuana to alleviate chronic pain and muscle spasms likely elucidates why Ed is resorting to smoking a joint within his quarters following the distressing events portrayed in the season 4 premiere.

Exploring Ed Baldwin's Issues in For All Mankind Season 4

In For All Mankind season 4, episode 1, Ed informs his daughter Kelly that he won't be able to make it back home as planned. It becomes apparent that Ed Baldwin's choice to remain on Mars instead of returning to Earth is not a one-time occurrence. Rather, his deteriorating physical condition provides a more reasonable explanation for this decision than any grief over Karen's loss in the previous season. If Ed were to return to Earth, there is a significant risk that he would be permanently barred from future space travel.

Recognizing his situation and foreseeing the inevitable consequences of his illness becoming known, Ed realizes that it would be pragmatic to start arranging for his retirement on Mars. By joining the Happy Valley colony on the Red Planet, Ed can continue to contribute to its growth and development. Returning to Earth would potentially result in him being sidelined from future human plans. On Mars, however, he still possesses an opportunity to have a meaningful impact, at least as For All Mankind season 4 progresses.

Catch the streaming of For All Mankind season 4 on AppleTV+ every Friday.

For All Mankind: Relive the global space race that never ended. This thrilling "what if" depiction of history delves into the intense competition between the Soviet Union and the United States as they vied for superiority in the race to the moon. Explore the profound impact this race had on the astronauts, their families, and the space programs. Created by Ronald D. Moore, this Apple TV+ series follows the journey of a NASA astronaut portrayed by Joel Kinnaman. Experience the presence of iconic historical figures like Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong.

Exploring Ed Baldwin's Issues in For All Mankind Season 4

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of For All Mankind, I am intrigued by the captivating storyline and the complex character development in season 4. The show delves into the personal struggles of Ed Baldwin, a veteran astronaut haunted by the loss of his ex-wife and burdened with a mysterious illness. His reluctance to return to Earth suggests a deeper conflict that goes beyond grief and personal loss.

The episode titled "Glasnost" provides subtle hints about Ed's health issues, particularly the noticeable tremors in his hand. This physical ailment not only jeopardizes his career but also raises concerns about his overall well-being. The show cleverly portrays Ed's inner turmoil as he grapples with the fear of being grounded permanently if his condition is discovered. His decision to remain on Mars, despite the risks, reflects his determination to continue contributing to space exploration while grappling with his personal challenges.