Explaining the Plot of Durarara: What is the Anime Series About?

Explaining the Plot of Durarara: What is the Anime Series About?

Discover the enigmatic world of the Durarara anime! Unravel the complex plot filled with thrilling arcs like the Slasher and Yellow Scarves Get ready to delve into Izaya's mysterious role With its captivating storyline, Durarara is a mind-bending adventure you won't want to miss!

The Durarara anime can initially be challenging for viewers to comprehend. It features a large and varied ensemble cast, a complex and intricate plot, and a fast-paced narrative that some viewers may struggle to follow upon first watching. Therefore, allow me to provide a concise summary of the plot.

While Durarara revolves around numerous characters, the central protagonist is Celty Sturluson, a legendary dullahan from Ireland. She has come to Japan in search of her head and finds herself in Tokyo's Ikebukuro district, where she becomes involved with a gang known as 'the Dollars.' However, Celty is just one of the many vibrant and captivating characters that populate the world of the Durarara anime.

Durarara anime plot breakdown

Explaining the Plot of Durarara: What is the Anime Series About?

The main highschool trio. From left to right, Mikado, Anri, and Kida. (Image via Brain's Base)

The Durarara anime revolves around a captivating plot driven by the enigmatic Celty, but she is just one of the many vibrant characters in this tale. However, it is a trio of high schoolers who serve as the audience's connection to this world. These individuals are Mikado, the timid protagonist, Kida, the charismatic playboy, and Anri, the mysterious loner. At first glance, they may seem disconnected from the dangerous underworld of criminals and gangs, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Mikado, initially portrayed as a shy newcomer to Ikebukuro, is revealed to be the mastermind behind the creation of the infamous Dollars gang. Kida's flirtatious nature, on the other hand, serves as a mask to hide his guilty conscience over his past involvement in another gang, which tragically led to his girlfriend's abduction. Lastly, Anri possesses a fearsome weapon known as 'Saika,' a demonic blade with its own dark secrets.

These elements gain increasing importance as the plot intensifies in the Durarara anime. Each arc of the story places a slightly greater emphasis on one of these mysteries. The first one revolves around Mikado's control over the Ikebukuro gang known as the Dollars, although it takes some time for this revelation to occur.

The story truly kicks off with the introduction of the person possessing Celty's head, Namie Yagiri, an executive from a pharmaceutical company who has been abducting individuals for experimentation. However, her brother Seiji becomes consumed by an unhealthy fixation on the head and steals it. In an attempt to appease Seiji, Namie captures his stalker, Mika, and provides her with plastic surgery to resemble the disembodied head of Celty. However, Mika manages to escape from Namie.

Namie is later confronted by Mikado, who calls her out on her awful nature. When she tries to capture him, Mikado reaches out to the Dollars for help, allowing him to escape from her clutches. Despite Celty's attempts to apprehend Namie and retrieve her head, she is unsuccessful. Namie manages to escape with the head and delivers it to Izaya, an information broker who believes that possessing Celty's head is the means to achieving Valhalla.

The Slasher Arc

Explaining the Plot of Durarara: What is the Anime Series About?

Haruna confronts Anri. (Image via Brain's Base)

The Durarara anime takes a fresh turn as it delves into a new storyline centered around a series of brutal slashings carried out by an enigmatic murderer. This unidentified slasher, nicknamed 'Saika,' develops an unsettling fascination with Shizuo, a fiery-tempered bodyguard endowed with incredible strength, showing a peculiar desire to establish an affectionate bond with him.

‘Saika’ is the name of a demonic sword that was originally broken into two pieces and then reforged into separate blades. One blade is possessed by the slasher, Haruna, while the other ended up in the hands of Anri. While Haruna is driven insane by the sword, Anri is able to control Saika’s ‘love,’ as she herself is incapable of feeling love.

When someone is cut by the demonic sword, Saika’s spirit infects them, causing Haruna to amass a small army to spread chaos. Haruna confronts Anri, while her ‘children’ attack Shizuo. However, in a final showdown, Anri emerges victorious, taking control of all those affected by Saika’s spirit.

The Yellow Scarves arc (and where Izaya works in all this)

Explaining the Plot of Durarara: What is the Anime Series About?

Celty comes to save the day. (Image via Brain's Base)

In the final arc of the Durarara anime, Kida starts growing distant from the trio. Anri becomes aware of this when she discovers that Kida has rejoined the Yellow Scarves and needs to be rescued by Celty after eavesdropping on a meeting. Later, Anri is confronted by another group of Scarves, led by someone named Horada, but manages to escape thanks to Shizuo.

Kida joins the Scarves again because they believe that the Slasher and the Dollars are connected, and after Celty assists Anri, this belief gains more credibility. At Horada's command, Shizuo is shot, which causes Anri to worry for Kida's safety.

Mikado, weary of the ongoing gang conflicts, decides to disband the Dollars. Celty shocks him by revealing Anri and Kida's secrets. The trio reunites and joins forces to put an end to the Yellow Scarves, who are now under Horada's control. After a victorious battle, the Scarves disband, marking the conclusion of the gang wars. In order to heal from his wounds and confront his past, Kida temporarily leaves Ikebukuro, with his friends eagerly awaiting his return.

Ultimately, the enigmatic information broker Izaya is unveiled as the primary antagonist in this chapter of the Durarara anime. With a peculiar interest in humanity, Izaya orchestrates events solely for the sake of observing unpredictable outcomes. Excitedly anticipating what unexpected twists lie ahead, he eagerly awaits the future.

Although this provides a basic overview of Durarara anime's plot, it delves deeper into the growth of its diverse characters and their changing circumstances throughout each episode. While the summary assists those who may not fully comprehend the overarching "real" plot in contrast to the narrative plot presented.

Editor's P/S

In the realm of anime, Durarara stands as a captivating and enigmatic series that enthralls viewers with its intricate plot and diverse cast of characters. At first glance, the show may appear daunting due to its large ensemble and fast-paced narrative. However, taking the time to delve into the world of Durarara is an endeavor that proves to be immensely rewarding.

One of the key aspects that make Durarara so unique is its ability to juggle multiple storylines simultaneously. While the central focus revolves around Celty Sturluson's quest to retrieve her head, the narrative expands to encompass various other characters and their interconnected stories. The Slasher and Yellow Scarves arcs serve as prime examples of this, providing viewers with thrilling and suspense-filled detours that enhance the overall tapestry of the show.