Exclusive: Varys Actor Reveals Shocking Secrets About Game of Thrones 4 Years Later!

Exclusive: Varys Actor Reveals Shocking Secrets About Game of Thrones 4 Years Later!

Varys' actor opens up about his post-Game of Thrones experience, revealing his frustration with the character's development Discover why his ending left fans questioning his once all-knowing persona


Conleth Hill, who played Varys in Game of Thrones, expresses frustration with how his character was written in the last two seasons.

Hill perceived Varys as a character who had lost his all-knowing status and sensed that the final season lacked thorough development.

The speedy progression in season 8 and the necessity to swiftly conclude character storylines has been a frequently expressed concern among both viewers and cast members.

Conleth Hill, the actor who portrayed Varys on Game of Thrones, openly discusses his character's conclusion and the frustrations he experienced with it. The Irish actor brilliantly played the role of Lord Varys, a well-known spymaster referred to as the Spider, in HBO's immensely popular fantasy series that concluded in 2019. In the fifth season, Varys journeys across the Narrow Sea and joins forces with Daenerys Targaryen, only to later change his loyalty upon discovering Jon Snow's rightful claim to the Iron Throne. Ultimately, he betrays Daenerys and meets his demise through dragon-fire execution.

Even four years after the conclusion of Game of Thrones, Hill continues to express his dissatisfaction with how Varys was developed. In an interview with The Times, the actor reveals that his frustration started to manifest during the last two seasons, as Varys deviated from being the all-knowing character he had previously been portrayed as. Additionally, Hill shares his sentiment that Game of Thrones season 8 was perceived to be hastily executed, a commonly cited critique of the final season. Please find his complete comments below:

Does Varys' Games of Thrones Ending Warrant The Frustration?

I felt like I had done something terribly wrong. Up until the previous two series, I didn't have a single complaint. However, I couldn't help but feel frustrated with the last couple of series because Varys wasn't the all-knowing character he had always been. It seemed like the writers had a certain plan to conclude the series, while HBO had a different agenda in mind. Consequently, I perceived the final series to be rushed. It was a moment of deep despair for me, but now I've come to terms with it and I'm at peace with the outcome.

Exclusive: Varys Actor Reveals Shocking Secrets About Game of Thrones 4 Years Later!

Hill has expressed dissatisfaction with the portrayal of his character on multiple occasions. At the table read for Game of Thrones season 8, he visibly displayed his discontent during Varys' death scene and promptly set the script aside after finishing it. In 2019, he openly expressed his frustration with Varys being sidelined in the later seasons, acknowledging the show's ensemble nature but still finding it frustrating.

Hill's concern over Varys losing his omniscience in the last two seasons is valid. In the earlier seasons, Varys had an extensive network of spies and informants as the Master of Whisperers, operating in both Westeros and Essos. However, during the final two seasons, he appeared clueless and had minimal impact on events. It can be argued that Varys remained loyal to the realm until his death, unlike his rival Littlefinger who prioritized his personal interests.

Hill's observation that Game of Thrones season 8 felt rushed is a commonly expressed criticism of the final season. In contrast to the usual 10 episodes, season 8 consisted of only six, leading to a faster pace. This resulted in hasty conclusions for various character arcs, including Varys', which disappointed many viewers and even members of the cast. Even years after the show's conclusion, this remains a significant point of disagreement.

Source: The Times