Exclusive: Unforgettable Hogwarts Legacy Clip Will Leave You in Stitches - Prepare for Ominis' Hilarious Fear of Water!

Exclusive: Unforgettable Hogwarts Legacy Clip Will Leave You in Stitches - Prepare for Ominis' Hilarious Fear of Water!

In a hilarious Hogwarts Legacy clip, Slytherin student Ominis Gaunt's comical fear of water is captured, showcasing a funny moment in the action RPG Get ready to laugh out loud as this amusing highlight unfolds! (307 characters)


A fan of Hogwarts Legacy has shared a funny glitch involving Ominis Gaunt's aversion to water, capturing the hilarious moment in a video.

Ominis, a student of Slytherin House, has become a much-loved figure among players, with one fan going so far as to create a TikTok miniseries centered around him. As players delve deeper into the world of Hogwarts Legacy, they can look forward to even more captivating moments involving Ominis. Although it is possible that this glitch is a result of a mod, players can anticipate a plethora of amusing experiences with Ominis.

A player of Hogwarts Legacy recently shared a humorous moment they witnessed in the action RPG. It showcased Ominis Gaunt's strong dislike for water. As one of the students in Slytherin House, Ominis has become a popular subject in fan-made videos. His arrogant personality and strict character make for entertaining content.

One of the standout aspects of Hogwarts Legacy is how players are immediately immersed in the daily life of a wizarding school student. Fans can fulfill their dreams of experiencing the Wizarding World firsthand, learning spells, caring for magical creatures, embarking on adventures with classmates, all while unraveling a dangerous mystery. Despite encountering numerous students from various Houses, Ominis from Slytherin has gained a dedicated following, with one fan creating a TikTok miniseries centered around his character and gossip.

On Reddit, user pastadudde shared a video demonstrating Ominis' aversion to water in Hogwarts Legacy. The footage showcases the player's character swimming into a cavern, where they discover a small grotto adorned with a mural of a giant squid. Upon encountering Ominis, the character observes him struggling in the water, experiencing discomfort through spasms and vocalizations. The NPC eventually moves onto dry land, at which point Ominis takes flight towards the grotto's ceiling.

Pastadudde utilized a specific Hogwarts Legacy character mod to include Ominis in this quest. It should be noted that this particular storyline is typically exclusive to players who chose to be part of Slytherin House and is usually completed individually. However, with the assistance of the companion mod, pastadudde was able to capture this humorous moment involving Ominis. Comments on the Reddit thread expressed amusement at the footage and speculated on whether Ominis genuinely disliked the water or perhaps derived some sort of pleasure from it, given his peculiar sounds.

Numerous glitches involving Ominis in Hogwarts Legacy have been reported, and although this particular incident may have been caused by a mod, it is probable that players will encounter more. They can anticipate experiencing additional enjoyable and entertaining moments involving their beloved Slytherin student in the upcoming future.

Hogwarts Legacy is currently accessible on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. The Switch edition is set to be released on November 14.

Source: YouTube