Exclusive: The Untold Hilltop Story That Will Shake The Walking Dead Universe

Exclusive: The Untold Hilltop Story That Will Shake The Walking Dead Universe

Get ready for an exciting crossover! Dead City's captivating Hilltop storyline hints at potential cameos from beloved Walking Dead characters, promising to bring fans closer to their favorite post-apocalyptic world Will unresolved stories continue? Find out!

Warning: Spoilers for season 1, episode 2 of The Walking Dead: Dead City.

In the Hilltop storyline of The Walking Dead: Dead City, unexpected character cameos occur. The second episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City introduces a new subplot taking place in the Hilltop community. While Maggie and Negan face their own challenges in Manhattan, not all of the main characters of the show are directly engaged in the battle against the Croat in New York.

Dead City's Hilltop Story Brings The Spinoff Closer To The Walking Dead

: The importance of Ginny's role in Dead City goes beyond being a mere catalyst for Negan's journey. As seen in the premiere, Maggie and Negan dropped her off, and in episode 2, Dead City picks up right where it left off by following Ginny as she begins her education at the Hilltop. This decision to focus on Ginny has significant implications for the remaining episodes of Dead City and the potential second season. Moreover, this storytelling approach increases the likelihood of seeing familiar faces from the main show, The Walking Dead, making appearances in The Walking Dead: Dead City.

Exclusive: The Untold Hilltop Story That Will Shake The Walking Dead Universe

To start, Ginny's storyline in Dead City strengthens the show's ties to The Walking Dead. The spinoff initially offered the promise of a distinct adventure, far removed from the original series, thanks to its significant change in location. By transporting Maggie and Negan all the way to New York, it seemed unlikely that they would encounter familiar faces from the main show, such as Carol, Ezekiel, or Eugene, in the bustling metropolis.

By setting the storyline in the Hilltop, Dead City maintains a connection to The Walking Dead's primary setting. Without this connection, it wouldn't make sense for the spinoff to include any characters from outside Maggie, Negan, and Herschel, as they are the only ones with a reason to be in New York. However, the Hilltop storyline allows for the inclusion of characters from The Walking Dead without forcing them into the narrative. Although the Hilltop has been relocated, it does not mean that relations between the communities have ended. In a future Dead City episode, it is possible for an Alexandrian or Commonwealth representative to appear, potentially to bring in supplies.

Which Walking Dead Characters Might Appear In Dead City?

Exclusive: The Untold Hilltop Story That Will Shake The Walking Dead Universe

Dead City has numerous suitable candidates for cameos from The Walking Dead. It goes without saying that Daryl and Carol are occupied, given that Melissa McBride will be reprising her role as Daryl Dixon. The likelihood of these notable figures making an appearance may have been slim, but Dead City's Hilltop storylines provide ample opportunity for the inclusion of lesser-known characters. Several characters, including Judith, Elijah, Lydia, Aaron, Magna, Yumiko, Jerry, Kelly, and Connie, are among the many options for potential appearances on the show. Any of them could potentially cross paths and encounter Ginny.

Dead City Cameos Can Continue Unresolved Walking Dead Stories

Judith, a character in a similar age group, could be a great addition to Dead City. She could form a strong friendship with the teenager in the story. Another great option would be Elijah and Lydia, especially since Elijah is from Maggie's group and already has a connection to both her character and Herschel. We saw them visiting the Hilltop in The Walking Dead series finale, so it would make sense for them to visit again in Dead City. If that were to happen, they could have scenes with Ginny and ask about Maggie's current whereabouts. Lydia could also play a significant role in this situation, as she was both an ally to Maggie and had an important dynamic with Negan.

Exclusive: The Untold Hilltop Story That Will Shake The Walking Dead Universe

The Walking Dead: Dead City has the potential to continue unresolved character arcs depending on who it brings back from The Walking Dead series. One of the significant character arcs that could be explored is Maggie's conversation with Carol in the Walking Dead series finale. In that conversation, Maggie expressed her intention to learn more about the wider world. This goal likely connects with Daryl's pursuits in his spinoff, but it should go beyond that. Dead City can delve into how other Walking Dead characters are also pursuing Maggie's objective.

Another storyline that could be explored further is Judith's relationship with Negan. While it was an important aspect of Negan's character development after Andrew Lincoln's departure as Rick Grimes, it was unfortunately sidelined in the final season, resulting in less screen time for the two characters. However, their bond was acknowledged in the last episode when Lydia returned the compass that Negan had given to Judith, accompanied by a letter from the former leader of the Saviors. If Judith appears in future episodes, it would be interesting to see her interact with Negan once Maggie and he return from their mission at the Hilltop. The Walking Dead: Dead City airs on Sundays on AMC.