Exclusive: Nintendo Switch Reveal Video Sparks Major Controversy - Find out What Happened!

Exclusive: Nintendo Switch Reveal Video Sparks Major Controversy - Find out What Happened!

Nintendo's stunning move: the original Nintendo Switch announcement video on YouTube has mysteriously been set to private, leaving fans puzzled and eager for answers


Nintendo has set its iconic Nintendo Switch reveal trailer to private on its official YouTube channel, sparking speculation among fans.

The video may have been taken down because of rights issues, possibly because the trailer included a licensed song that may no longer be authorized.

There are numerous theories, including the possibility of an upcoming announcement for the next Nintendo console, but the true reason behind the removal of the video is still a mystery. Nonetheless, it does generate a sense of nostalgia as it suggests that the Nintendo Switch may be approaching the end of its lifespan.

Nintendo has made its iconic Nintendo Switch reveal trailer private on its official YouTube account. The trailer, which featured a young woman playing Super Mario Odyssey in her apartment and then taking the console to a rooftop party, has become a memorable and often-memed video among fans. The reason for the removal of the trailer from public view remains unclear.

Although the Nintendo Switch was not a secret when it was initially unveiled, it is important to note the concerns that existed surrounding the platform. During the era of the Wii U, when Nintendo's reputation was at a low point, fans were apprehensive that the Switch might be another tablet-based system like its predecessor. However, Nintendo surprised fans with the unveiling of the Switch through an unusual live-action trailer that showcased young adults enjoying the console at a rooftop party. This unconventional approach captivated fans and grabbed their attention.

Starting on Wednesday morning, Nintendo enthusiasts who visited the original URL for the Nintendo Switch reveal video were greeted with a message stating, "Video Unavailable: This video is private." Even embeds of the video found in articles from 2016 displayed the same message. It appears that the video is no longer accessible to the public through an official Nintendo source.

Currently, Nintendo has not provided any official explanation for the removal of the video. These instances of video removals do occur occasionally, though. Typically, they are believed to be due to rights issues, such as the expiration of music licenses, trademarks, or other rights. The Nintendo Switch reveal trailer includes a song called "Ha Ha Ha Ha (Yeah)" by the band White Denim, which is licensed. It is possible that Nintendo's license for the song has expired, leading to the necessity of removing the video from YouTube.

There are numerous theories circulating online regarding the removal of the Nintendo Switch reveal trailer. Some fans speculate that it could be a sign of an upcoming announcement for the next Nintendo console, while others believe Nintendo removes trailers to divert attention to new releases. Although these speculations are likely incorrect, they are not surprising given the enthusiastic nature of Nintendo fans.

Regardless of the reason behind the video's removal, it evokes a sense of nostalgia. It has been seven years since the initial unveiling of the Nintendo Switch, and the console has since proven to be uniquely exceptional, offering a remarkable selection of games. There have also been rumors suggesting that Nintendo may initiate the next generation of its consoles in 2024. Therefore, the disappearance of the reveal trailer as the Switch potentially approaches the end of its lifespan could carry a symbolic significance. The rooftop party may be coming to a close soon.

The Nintendo Switch is available now.