Exclusive: Latest Helldivers 2 Weaponry Revealed

Exclusive: Latest Helldivers 2 Weaponry Revealed

Get an exclusive peek at the latest leaked Helldivers 2 weapons, hinting at upcoming surprises from Arrowhead Game Studios. Dive into the excitement ahead of the official reveal or game update!

A new leak has revealed that Helldivers 2 will soon introduce several new weapons, along with a new mech and an armored buggy similar to Halo's Warthog. Players can expect Arrowhead Game Studios, the developers of Helldivers 2, to unveil a new roadmap soon. This roadmap will give players a sneak peek into what's in store for the popular third-person shooter.

As Helldivers 2 approaches its first month since launch, sales continue to soar. Initially, Arrowhead Game Studios had plans to release a roadmap detailing future updates for the game. However, due to the game's sudden surge in popularity, the studio had to alter its plans. Several updates have already been rolled out to address matchmaking and server issues, prompting a revision of the roadmap to align with the developer's new strategies.

Recently, GameOverDeo released a YouTube video showcasing leaks of new vehicles and weapons in Helldivers 2. The leaked footage gives fans a sneak peek into potential future updates.

Helldivers 2 Leaked Vehicles, Weapons, and Items

Pilotable mech

Armored buggy

Arc-12 Blitzer shotgun

SG-8P Punisher Plasma shotgun

CB-9 Explosive Crossbow

R-36 Erupter battle rifle

BX-7 Displacer Pack backpack item

B-1 Supply Pack backpack item

Youtube video: Vehicle Gameplay & Weapon Leaks | Helldivers 2

The latest video showcases leaked screenshots of new weapons for Helldivers 2 that were briefly posted on Reddit. One of the weapons featured is the Arc-12 Blitzer, a shotgun that shoots electricity between multiple enemies. Another weapon to look forward to is the SG-8P Punisher Plasma shotgun, known for its powerful plasma rounds. However, be cautious as this weapon can harm squadmates. Additionally, keep an eye out for the CB-9 Explosive Crossbow and R-36 Erupter battle rifle, which seem to be in testing phase for future release in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 two soldiers watching aircraft in the sky - What's more, GameOverDeo's video highlights some of the new items that could be available in new Helldivers 2 updates soon

Helldivers 2 two soldiers watching aircraft in the sky - What's more, GameOverDeo's video highlights some of the new items that could be available in new Helldivers 2 updates soon

In addition, GameOverDeo's video showcases some of the fresh items that may be included in upcoming updates for Helldivers 2. One of these is the BX-7 Displacer Pack, a new backpack item that can teleport players to safety when they are in danger of being struck by a deadly blow from an enemy. Another handy item is the B-1 Supply Pack, which allows players to restock their ammunition while out on the battlefield.

Helldivers 2 may soon introduce a new customization option, in addition to new vehicles and weapons. The timing of these updates is not yet confirmed. Despite this uncertainty, the future of Helldivers 2 appears promising, with exciting new features and content on the horizon. Players can look forward to more details in the upcoming roadmap.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming additions to Helldivers 2, as hinted by the recent leak, have me eagerly anticipating the game's future. The new weapons, particularly the Arc-12 Blitzer and SG-8P Punisher Plasma shotgun, promise to bring fresh strategies and challenges to the battlefield. The addition of a pilotable mech and an armored buggy akin to Halo's Warthog adds a level of excitement and variety to the gameplay.

However, the delay in the release of the roadmap leaves me with a sense of curiosity and anticipation. I eagerly await the details of the upcoming updates and the timeline for their implementation. The positive reception and soaring sales of Helldivers 2 suggest that the developers are committed to providing a captivating and evolving experience for players, and I am confident that the future of the game holds many exciting surprises.