Exclusive Insider: Urban Warfare Expert Slams Extraction's Action with Shocking Accuracy Score

Exclusive Insider: Urban Warfare Expert Slams Extraction's Action with Shocking Accuracy Score

Extraction's Realism Critiqued by Urban Warfare Expert: Is Accuracy Important?

Urban-warfare expert and retired U.S. Army officer John Spencer recently analyzed Extraction's close-quarters building fight sequence in a video for Insider. Directed by Sam Hargrave, the film stars Chris Hemsworth as mercenary Tyler Rake, who embarks on a mission to rescue a young boy named Ovi from a warlord-controlled area in Dhaka. One of the film's standout moments is an action sequence set in an apartment complex, where Rake and Ovi fend off enemies in tight spaces. Spencer, however, does not give the sequence a high realism grade. To hear Spencer's full commentary, you can watch the video below, with the relevant section starting at 3:00.

Chris Hemsworth demonstrates his impressive hand-to-hand combat skills akin to Jason Bourne. Close-quarters combat is commonly encountered in urban warfare. To prevent our weapons from being taken away, we secure them to our bodies. This ensures that even if we are caught off guard or someone attempts to snatch our weapon, it remains in our possession.

However, the tactics employed in this particular scene differ. Hemsworth finds himself surrounded by individuals armed with more powerful guns, prompting him to disarm one while another poses a threat. Personally, I would have chosen to disarm one of them using their rifles, then seek cover to avoid being vulnerable from all directions. Subsequently, I would neutralize the threat in a suitable manner.

I haven't personally experienced a situation like Ovi running away and knocking items over into his pursuers, nor would I endorse such actions, but it could be effective in slowing the person down and gaining some time. It is advisable to take as many turns as possible, especially in a building like that, to confuse them about your whereabouts.

Out of all the elements in that scene, Rake hiding behind a concrete column appears to be the most realistic. Since it is a supporting column, it is made of steel-reinforced concrete. In contrast, some walls can be flimsy or made of plaster. If a sturdy column is unavailable, hiding behind furniture or any available cover would be a viable alternative. Although it was entertaining to watch, I would rate its realism as low, perhaps a one or a two out of ten.

Does Extraction's Lack Of Realism Matter?

Exclusive Insider: Urban Warfare Expert Slams Extraction's Action with Shocking Accuracy Score

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In the world of Extraction, the focus is not on faithfully representing reality, but rather on creating a believable fictional world that captivates the audience. This means that viewers can suspend their disbelief and fully engage with the film, despite knowing that what they are watching is not real. Rake, the protagonist in Extraction, is depicted as an incredibly skilled mercenary, demonstrated by Hemsworth's physical presence, the well-choreographed fight scenes, and the dynamic camera work.

Extraction shares many similarities with the John Wick franchise. Like John Wick, Extraction prioritizes delivering highly impressive action sequences rather than aiming for realism. Both franchises are helmed by directors with a background in stunt performance, striving to present action that is intricately choreographed, expertly framed, and performed at a level surpassing much of the action genre's recent offerings.

Ultimately, Extraction is an entertainment piece. Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of its military tactics and training is a fascinating exercise. However, the main objective of the film is to captivate and thrill its audience. While Extraction can be critiqued for its storytelling and characterizations, it surpasses many films in its genre as an action-packed masterpiece.